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God sticks his head out of heaven. He looks around. He’s looking for someone not stupid— one man, even, God-expectant, just one God-ready woman. He comes up empty. A string of zeros. Useless, unshepherded Sheep, taking turns pretending to be Shepherd. The ninety and nine follow their fellow.

Psalm 14:2‭-‬3 MSG

God is looking.

He is observing, searching.

He is sticking his head out of heaven.

What is he looking for?

Not much.

Just a God-expectant man,

A God-ready woman.

And what does he find?


I find this verses so gut wrenching. Where are we? We should be there. Crying out like Isaiah 'Here am I. Send me!'
So why aren't we there? Why?!

Because we are caught up on the things this word has to offer. We simply haven't got the time.

But do we? Really?

Are a few minutes scrolling down your instagram feed and checking other people's status more important than God's plans?

If you feel they are then something is definitely wrong.

Nowadays we are so caught up with technology it's unbelievable the amount of time we waste on it. Did you ever stop to think about it?

We download applications into our phones until they explode. Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Wattpad, Radish!  Just to name a few...

And then what?

Oh. Of course we are gona peek at the life others lead and gossip about it at the next slept over with friends. Or maybe we'll follow television stars, models, singers and try to copy their looks or their selfies, who knows...

Some try to get followers even from under the rocks, believing the high number will gave them a sense of fullness. We count the number of votes, reads, views, likes as if that would show us how important we are or how much we worth or how much people care about us.

But do you know what?

All that is fools play.

It's stupid.

You'll never find your worth away from Jesus. It's in him that you realize you own worth. And you are worth far more than rubies.

When you get that you don't give a crap what others may think or say. How many views and likes you have.

Sometimes we spend so much time following, following, following that we miss the fact that we end up following unshepherded sheep who pretend to be shepherds. And we neglect the Good Sherpherd. The True One. The one we should follow.

The only one you should follow.

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