Grizz's Furrytales chapter six

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Little Red Riding Hood read by Eliza Joy Grizzly Bear

Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood was bringing some treats to her grandmother. As she was singing and skipping through the woods, her tummy started to growl.  "I'm so hungry!" cried Little Red Riding Hood. "I suppose grandmother will not mind if I have a small bite of her snacks." And with that, Little Red Riding Hood ate her grandmother's treats. When she had finished eating, Little Red Riding Hood heard something rustling in the bushes. It was a wolf 🐺. "Oh, hello, Mr. Wolf." Little Red Riding Hood greeted. "It is good to see you, but I cannot dally for I am on my way to my grandmother's house."  "Oh, and what a lovely girl you are to help your grandmother so." said the wolf. "No, alas, I am not," said Little Red Riding Hood. "I ate all of her snacks and now the basket is empty."  "All of the snacks you say?" asked the wolf. "You must be stuffed."  "To be quite honest, I'm still hungry."  "Well, if we're being honest." said the wolf. "I could have a bite myself."  Just when the wolf was about to devour her, Little Red Riding Hood grabbed her silver knife out from the basket and stabbed, skinned, and ate the wolf. "Delicious!" said Little Red Riding Hood. "Oh, I should have saved some wolf for grandmother. I suppose I can still give her this warm fur coat."  As Little Red Riding Hood was about to put the wolf's fur coat in her basket, she heard four baby wolves named Walter Wallace, Wesley, and Winnie crying for their father. "Say, Father... Father, where are you?" asked Walter. "We are so lost and very hungry," said Wallace. "If Father is missing, who will take care of us?" asked Winnie. The baby wolves started to cry. "Oh, dear! Those poor, poor babies," said Little Red Riding Hood feeling bad. "I must do something!" So Little Red Riding Hood put on the fur coat and disguised herself as the wolf. "Hello and greetings to you, my little fuzzies," said Little Red Riding Hood. "Who are you?" asked Wesley. "I'm your Auntie Virginia Wolf!" said Little Red Riding Hood. "Um from your Father's side." "Auntie!" said the baby wolves hugging Little Red Riding Hood. "Auntie Virginia, you look so strange," said Walter. "What strange eyes you have." "Uh, the better to see you with," said Little Red Riding Hood giving a wink at Walter. Walter smiled. "What strange little ears you have," said Wallace. "The better to hear your cries with," said Little Red Riding Hood wiping Wallace's tears. "What a strange nose you have," said Wesley. "The better to smell your scrumptious aroma with," said Little Red Riding Hood sniffing Wesley's hair. "Uh, what strange tiny teeth you have," said Winnie. "Ah! The better to eat normal food with," said Little Red Riding Hood. The baby wolves heard Little Red Riding Hood's stomach growling. "You're hungry, Auntie Virginia?" asked Winnie.  "Very hungry," said Little Red Riding Hood. "So are we!" cried the baby wolves. Little Red Riding Hood thought for a moment and said, "Oh, I have an idea. I know a grandmother, that is in no way related to me that we can eat!" "Hooray! We love you Auntie!" cried the baby wolves. So Little Red Riding Hood and the baby wolves ate the grandmother and they lived happily ever after.

"What, no moral?" asked GJ. "The moral is, if you consume the wolf, you must then adopt his family and raise them as your own," said Eliza. "Oh, yeah, totally!" said Ryan. "That makes a lot of sense," said Ivory. "That is a great story," said Zac. "Eliza, go wait for me in my bedroom," said Grizz. "I'll be there in a minute." As Eliza went to her Dad's room, Grizz was talking to his cubs. "I want to make one thing very clear. If I hear any of you kids using profanity in my house, I will put soap in your mouths!" "What does profanity mean Daddy?" asked Yasmin. "Bad words sweetheart, very bad words," said Grizz. "But, Dad we weren't saying bad words," said GJ. "Well, Eliza did and I want to know if you kids have something to do with it." "She probably heard it on TV, Daddy," said Ivory. Grizz was silent for a moment and said, "Okay kids, since you don't want to tell me the truth, you're all grounded!" "Grounded?!" cried the cubs. "That's not fair!" said GJ. "We didn't even do anything!" "Lower your voice, GJ," said Grizz. "Now all of you go to your rooms and stay there until I tell you guys to come out." The cubs went to their rooms. Grizz grabbed the belt and went to his room where Eliza was waiting for him. "Hi, Daddy," said Eliza. "Come here, sweetheart," said Grizz. Eliza knew that she was going to get a beating so she ran to the door but Grizz locked it. "Where do you think you're going, young lady?" asked Grizz grabbing Eliza by the arm. "Let me go!" cried Eliza. "Stop screaming Eliza!" said Grizz. "You know what you did was wrong and now you have to face the consequences!" Grabbing his belt, Grizz whipped Eliza's butt. Eliza began to cry. Grizz hated to see his kids cry so he did what any parent would do: He hugged his daughter. "Eliza, you hurt my feelings when you said that bad word to me," said Grizz. "Where did you hear it?" "This morning in the kitchen," replied Eliza. "I was reading a book in the living room when I heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. You and Mommy were fighting and calling each other names. You made Mommy cry!" "I'm sorry that you had to hear your Mom and I fighting, sweetie," said Grizz trying to hold back his tears. "But just because you heard us saying bad words, it doesn't mean that you repeat it understand?" Eliza nodded her head. "I'm sorry, Daddy." Grizz gave Eliza a hug and a kiss. "It's okay, sweetie. Just don't let it happen again." "Daddy, why were you fighting with Mommy?" asked Eliza. "Well, remember when you heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen?" asked Grizz. "I accidentally broke your mom's punch bowl." Grizz unlocked his bedroom door and told his children to come out of their rooms. "Kids, we need to talk about what happened this morning," said Grizz holding back his tears. "Dad, what's going on?" asked Ivory. Grizz sighed and said, "Your mom and I fought this morning in the kitchen." "Are you and Mom getting a divorce?" asked Liam. "I don't know, Liam," said Grizz sadly. "We're your kids and we have a right to know so what happened?" asked GJ. "I hit your mom and made her cry, kids," said Grizz. The Cubs were shocked. They knew that their Dad had a temper but they also knew that Grizz would never hurt Shelley. "Tell us about what happened this morning, Dad," said Ryan crying. In a flashback, Grizz told his children about the fight that he and his wife had in the kitchen.

To be continued

Grizz's Furrytales by pandasgirls8 Where stories live. Discover now