Day 2

17 1 0

Maggie's pov
I walked back home and my mom gave me a hug and said " you ready, lovebug ?" I say " now or never " she tells me to get my things and i ran up to my room the final time and took a breather and looked around for the final time. I grab my things and shut my bedroom door for the final time, I felt a tear comin on and I inhaled and then exhaled we walk out the house I accidentally let a tear slip. We got into our uber luckily we didn't live to far from the airport. I texted Wesley before we walked into the airport

Maggie : Hey don't miss me too much,k?
: You'll never be replaced as my bsf
: okay, i'll stop blowing you up
Wesley : good, i'll miss you

We walk into the airport we got in, got our bags checked and all the boring stuff, I buy a water and pretzels from the con session stand.
I got back to our gate waiting for the lady to announce our flight was boarding finally our flight was called,We get into the plane and I got window seat because I like looking outside while I listen to music. we got out the uber and thanked the driver.I look out the house was nice as fuck we walk in and I imagined where all the furniture could go. I go upstairs and go into one of the 3 bedrooms I choose one because one of them was mom's, mine and I think a office? I don't know. I walk in and put my stuff down I heard my mom outside and I looked out my window, she was talking to the movers and was unloading the trucks. I help her out I grab my stuff and decorate my room the walls were grey so I went for a grey aesthetic and I decorated my bay window in my room. By the time I left my room the other parts of the house was completed. I go outside and I go into my car that was parked out front and grab my phone charger. I look up across the street and see a car pull into the driveway and I look a bit longer and I see a very cute kid around my age get out and I quickly looked away

Grayson's pov
I pull into the driveway and I look across the street to see if they had sold the house across the street and they did I see a girl around my age get out of the car with a charger in her hand,I walked into my house thinking wow she's hot.
Love y'all lots
Monique 🔮

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