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Authors note: Okay so for school we had to write a series of poems so of course I wrote a AOT/SNK one and i really need freed back. I personally think it's shit but you know it's always good to get another opinion. So if you read it i would greatly apperciate any comments or suggestions. Thank you and enjoy! :)

Flying though the sky 

Heart and spirt way too high

using swords to maneuver so he can right to her

slicing cutting through her nape

the wind pushing back his dark green cape 

he is a god he is the best 

no one can beat him in his contest 

but if he has no one to love or protect

what does he get of it 

the winning doesnt matter 

his feelings his heart they do shatter 

but he continues to fight and win

so he can forget all of his sins 

flying down walking now 

his spirts high even when on the ground 

his voice is quite no one can hear his sound 

then he says sorry for letting you down 

only one heard him speak 

when he did look down to his feet 

only to see them soaked in blood from his fleat

they all died in vain 

that is when he went insane

he went off all alone 

he had no where to be cause he had no home

when he reached his hiding place 

he wipped tears from his face

then the one who heard him aplogize 

came down from the skies

when he stood to walk away

he asked him "please dont fray"

"captain we know you did your best"

"please don't consisder me a pest"

"let your feelings out don't pretend"

" I am here if you neeed a friend"

"please don't please don't plead"

"I am here is there anything you need?"

"yes indeed"

"can you let me be?"

"just wait and see"

"I'll be back don't you worry"

"my bones my heart are filled with fury"

"Though i cannot say when I'll be back"

"I have my own mission to "attack"

(((Okay so i know it was pretty bad that's why i need help so again comments and suggestion are appericated!)))

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