Day 1 - Exchange

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It wasn't suppose to go like this. The mission was not meant to happen like this. It was meant to be some simple intelligence gathering. A quick in and out mission so how was it Keith found himself being shot at by Galra soldiers?!

Keith peaked out of his cover to see how many soldiers he was up against. Three, okay this was going to be easy. He darted from his cover, sword in hand, and quickly dispatched them. As he was finishing off the final one he noticed a group watching him.

From first look he could tell that they weren't part of the Empire. Their armour was completely different and they weren't attacking him. Had it been their fault everything had gone wrong?

...Yes, but not all of theirs. Just the one wearing the yellow armour. Keith had been on his way out when he'd been spotted by the one in the yellow, who had then shot at him and caused this whole mission to go sideways.

He was about to dash off and disappear when he noticed the symbol on their armour. Keith recognized it. It was the symbol of the Paladins of Voltron. So that's who they were. They could be very powerful allies to the Blades or very powerful enemies, depending on what Kolivan decided to do with this information.

"Who are you?" The white haired girl in the pink armour asked. Wait, pink armour? He certainly didn't remember anything about a pink lion from the stories he had grown up with. Not that it mattered right now. He had to get back to the base.

Without another thought on the Paladins, Keith sheathed his blade and dashed off towards where he had entered the facility. Once he had exited the facility it was just a short run till he reached his motorcycle.

He had nearly reached his bike when a large brute smashed into it and sent it flying. He recognised the culprit immediately.

Zethrid. One of Prince Lotor's generals. She turned to face him and he could see the excitement in her eyes at the thought of a fight. The conversation he'd had with Kolivan before he departed on this mission played in his head.

"...and remember, you are to not engage anyone on this mission. Especially one of Lotor's generals. You know why."

Yeah, he did. The last two Blades that went up against one of the generals didn't come back. Fighting Zethrid was suicide, but she just wrecked his way of escape and he had no where else to go. He was going to have to fight her. No matter how hopeless it was going to be.

He unsheathed his blade for the second time that night and got ready for one of the biggest fights of his life.

Keith had fought soldiers similar to Zethrid. The best way to deal with them was to stay out of their reach and wear them out. Only then could he think about taking her down. That's how it should've happened anyway. Before he had a chance to move Zethrid had already closed the distance between them and smashed straight into him, sending Keith flying.

When he hit the ground Keith was sure he felt, and heard, something break. He had managed to keep a grip on his blade although he doubted that it was going to do him much good now.

The fight with Zethrid was not going well. Keith was trying everything he had learnt and nothing seemed to work. She wasn't showing any signs of tiring and staying out of her reach wasn't working as she either charged him or threw something towards him.

Keith knew he wasn't going to survive this. Everything hurt and he was absolutely exhausted.

With a well placed kick to his side, she sent him flying once more. He lost his grip on his blade and it skidded across the ground away from him.

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