Unexpected Love? - A Eren x Levi Fanfic.-

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~AUTHORS NOTE!!~  WARNING: YAOI! Before  you read the story, I just have to say...this Attack On Titan/ Shingeki No Kyojin takes place In a different setting, time and place so no comlaining please! It's a HighSchool Romance Genre. Also, this is my first fanfiction so I'm sorry if their are some mistakes. Anyways, Enjoy. ^-^

Beep. Beep. Beep. A heavy groan erupted from the small bundle of blankets with a hand emerging from the mass to smack away the unwanted noise. "First day..." That's right, Levi Rivaille has now gotten all he needs to finally work in the school he had been aiming for, but only to be shot down as he did not have enough experience and was sent to work at this high school full of hormonal teenagers who would probably not even care about the importance of math skills. Today was going to be hell...

During his morning routine of washing, brushing and dressing he thought about what student he may encounter of having, maybe there would be one student he'd find intrest in? Or they'd all be moody brats he'd so desperetly try to avoid teaching. He was fresh from university and ready to teach those who were bright enough to be just like him. Slipping into his car, driving to work and checking it was all he did subconsiously as in his teaching training days he had learned the basic ropes.

Yet, getting into his classroom he glanced around and made sure he could reach certain things and if not to remember to tell people to go and get it for him, of which he put a red sticker dot near the area to remind himself. Not that he was a forgetful person, but he just needed to know the areas to avoid looking stupid. Sitting at his desk, he glanced at his timetable and clocked that he had a class first lesson so he quietly sorted out what he was going to do while the bell went and his pen in his hand wrote on the board intoducing his name as : Mr. Rivaille.

Their was a student who entered the classroom while he had been writing his name on the board, without saying a word the boy took a seat. While waiting for the rest of his classmates to arrive he pulled out his copy of "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower" It was his favorite book because he felt as though he could relate to the main character. When he noticed his teacher staring at him he immeadiatly put his book down and saved his page, By this time a few other students were now there. He watched as his teacher wrote down more information on the board although he didn't get a look at his face from his seat near the back window. When his teacher turned around and looked at him again his heart skipped a beat. He didn't know what caused this reaction but he couldn't look away from his teacher's face even for a moment even though he knew his own eyes were wide and staring directly at him.

It took awhile for Levi to notice the kid at  the back of the class, his eyes did not show shock nor did his expression change but he merely sighed at the other and spoke in a even more bored tone, "It is polite to say you're here, Kid. You're quietness could give someone a heart attack." With that he quickly turned back to the board and began to write down some math equations that were differed in subject and difficulty. He thought nothing of him, but did find it weird how he was sitting there, eyes wide, open, and directly staring at him.

His eyes were still locked on the new teacher and he was still not sure why he was acting this way, he had never acted this way with the other teachers nor' anyone at all. His cheeks were a different shade than they normally were, more of a rosy red. "Dammit, why am I acting this way..?" He thought to himself before writing notes down in his journal. Levi then turned back to the one at the back just as the final bell rung and finally addressed him again, "Oi, get over here. You're going to tell me who is who as they come in." He gestered the male to come to him with his hand, this one would be his little helper, "What's your name, Kid?" 


The boy felt his heart nearly stop...

~AUTHORS NOTE~ Yay! Part one finally done... I'll post part two later, when I can figure out how to. xD It's my first time using Wattpad... Thanks for reading.

Unexpected Love? - A Eren x Levi Fanfic.-Where stories live. Discover now