End of Hard times

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When asked if the cup is half-full or half-empty, my only response is that I'm thankful I have a cup... I thought as I made another large coffee for the last awaiting customer serving it to them and bidding them farewell as they left the coffee shop just as my boss was wandering from the back room to the counter with another of my co-workers.

"Last one?" The silver-haired man questioned after hearing the heavy door shut.

"Yep..all done" I replied turning off the coffee machine before gripping the counter with both hands and exhaling a large breathy sigh "Kate lock up please?"

She set about locking the door and putting Down the stutters while two others were putting chairs on tables My boss held a green envelope in my direction

I do believe I owe you several months of pay and all of the overtime you've put in for Q, I understand why you're leaving coffee bean but you are very welcome back when your return from your trip.

"Thanks, Craig. I will definitely have to consider that invitation" I took the envelope from him and looked at the only friends I ever had. Craig gave us all nicknames; I was Q, Kate was squiggle because of her mass of curly black hair, Chase was bubbs or bubbles the flamingo because he had blue and pink hair and then there was Jesse who was koala because of his Australian background. I was going to miss them all


Nobody was in the house when I returned, there was no post and the fridge was empty with a note pinned to it with a magnet saying that they were visiting her friends for a week and that i was not to leave the house while she was gone but that was the norm. I spent a lot of time in my room which was on the lower level i.e. The basement, sure it was cold but I was safe as I knew no one set foot down here. I began to pack what little possessions I owned, all of my worn and frayed clothes within a large red suitcase which I had spent many a day sewing the letters Q.J.B onto the front to make it look a little less worn. My battered leather handbag contained personal documents my passport and what little toiletries I had left. I added the contents of the envelope into my purse putting it under my pillow for extra security before climbing on the wafer-thin mattress that I was much too tall for. but tomorrow I knew I could get away from them all even if I was only 3 months. 

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