Chapter 2| He came after me

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A distant memory creeps to me as I lay the temple of my forehead onto the cool window and stare out into passing faces and vague surroundings.

It seemed like a lifetime ago when I had turned twelve. The faint sound of my friends and I singing, unpleasantly off key, the melody of Happy Birthday whilst everyone surrounded me and watched in joy as I blew out my candles on set, lingers in my prompt silence. Sadie and Noah had put their efforts into hand making the sprinkle coated buttercream cake, Gaten and Caleb had decorated every inch of the set with long banners of my name, and Finn— well Finn stood by my side with a wide and very proud grin.

The memory was quick but unbearably bittersweet. I almost find myself yearning for the naive and impeccably happy little girl I was in my  younger adolescent years. I hadn't the faintest idea of how cruel the world was, and how unjustly unfair it would be.

Then, Stranger Things had blown out of proportion and struck not only me but the rest of my friends into blinding stardom. From then, everything began to get a whole lot worse.

"You don't think the press will get a hold of this?" Noah asks wearily from the driver's seat that seizes me back to reality.

"Let's hope they don't." I mutter bitterly in response.

It had been two weeks since Finn had told me about his crazed fan that just so happened to threaten me as well as him. Yet, naively enough it wasn't the whole possible stalker issue that made me feel uneasy since then, but rather Finn avoiding me at all costs since our last conversation.

Maybe it'll work out better this way. I can't be friends with someone that completely hates me and my very existence.

However, the chances of me bumping into Finn tonight was in fact quite high. Caleb was once again throwing another house party that Sadie practically dragged me to. Which brings me back to the present, in Noah's car, on route to this stupid party.

I apparently don't make the best decisions.

"Dude, watch where you're going!" Gaten snaps as Sadie and I feel the left side of the Noah's car hit something rather hard.

"I know how to drive." Noah shoots quickly.

"Dude, my aunt can drive better than you," Gaten exclaims. "—and she's dead!"

Sadie and I share a quick glance, struggling to contain the chuckles climbing up our throats.

"She's not the only one that's gonna be dead if you don't shut it." Noah warns with a side eye.

That comment causes me and Sadie to burst into hysterical giggles as Noah pulls up to Caleb's front yard. Already we spot small groups of people stood by the entrance of Caleb's house, some drunkenly dancing and others videoing the dancing strangers with their phone.

Noah parks a few feet away and we all step out of the car, greeted by the cold breeze fanning us. Gaten and Sadie make their way to the house side by side whilst Noah awaits for me to catch up. I hesitate, taking a deep breath that Noah notices.

"Don't worry. I'm here." Noah comforts as he extends his hand for me to take, recognising my nerves.

I nod silently, taking Noah's hand and a sudden familiar warmth flushes my fingers in response. We gain closer, the sound of thundering music from the house getting louder. I notice the watchful eyes that follow Noah and I as the crowd parts slightly for us to make through. I dismiss them, and we make our way through Caleb's foyer.

Behind the pretend- FillieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora