Chapter 1- Surface

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Frisk's POV-

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping through my window. The surface has been nice since I broke the barrier. I haven't seen my abusive parents since I ran up the mountain to get away from their cruel ways.

I slipped into my Mew Mew Kissy Cutie slippers Alphys gave to me before me, Toriel, and Asgore (aka goat mom and goat dad) moved out of Monster City. We were required to live in Hatadote because that is where most political meetings happen.

Hatadote was pretty far from Monster City so I don't have time to visit all my old friends. Also I am always too busy with ambassador stuff to take some time off.

I really miss Papy's spaghetti and Undyne's training lessons. I also miss Sans' puns. His awful yet funny puns. I miss all of it.

I walked down the stairs to be greeted by the smell of butterscotch cinnamon pancakes. "Good morning my child would you like some pancakes?" I hear Toriel say as I walk into the kitchen. "Good morning and yes please."

She handed me a plate of the mouth-watering pancakes as I sat down at the table. I started to stuff the pancakes into my mouth while  mom sat down with her own plate.

"Where is dad?" I asked with face full of pancakes. "He is at another meeting." she replied cutting up her own breakfast like the civilized monster she is. Me on the other hand I was eating my food like a dog who hasn't eaten in 2 weeks.

I heard mom chuckle from the other side of the table but I ingored it while I finished up the last of my breakfast. I walked over to the sink and decided to wash the dishes. After that I went upstairs to take a bath. When I came out I wore a gray crop top with a black tank top under. Also some dark blue ripped jeans and black sneakers.

Since today was my only day off I decided to go out. I was planning to go to a café one of mom's co-workers recommended to me.


I walked down the streets with confidence and excitement. I stopped in front a small café that had a sign that read Muffet's Spider Café. I walked inside to be greeted by the smell of pastries. People were sitting in web-shaped chairs and booths. The sound of conservations filled the air. I walked over to the counter to be greeted by a spider-looking lady who had 5 eyes and 6 arms. She had a name tag that said Muffet.

"What would you like dearie?" Muffet said. I decided to go with a box of spider dounts because I was really in the mood for something sweet. I sat down and waited for my food but during my wait a  human guy that look little older than me sat at the table I was sitting at. "Mind if I sit here?" he saids. "No" I reply. He had dark brown hair with sea green eyes. He was musclar but it looked like he went to the gym once a month.

To be honest I felt a little uncomfortable with him sitting there but I didn't want to tell him. I felt like that would be rude so I kept my mouth shut.

"Hey, your ambassador Frisk right?" he said. "Yeah" I said back. "That's pretty cool what was the underground like?". "Well it i-" I was interrupted by a spider coming over to my table with my box of donuts.

It set it down on the table and crawled away. I decided to be nice and share my box of donuts with my table guest.

" Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself! I'm James, nice to meet you Frisk!" he said really excited.

We talked for hours intil it started to get really dark and I decided to head home.

I walked out the café and started walking home. On the way I felt something grab the back of my crop top and pull me into a dark alley.

I was encountered by a human with a knife. The knife looked new and never used before. If I didn't act quick I would be its first victim. I tried to run and call for help but I was grabbed and the man put his hand over my mouth."So your the one who brought those disgusting creatures to our world." My eyes rang with fury from the words 'disgusting creatures'. I felt the knife be brought closer to my neck but before it could slice my neck open I bit his hand that was on my mouth. I could taste the blood in my mouth as he yelled in pain. He dropped the knife in his hand and I quickly grabbed it.

"Why you little-" he said has he charged at me. I covered my eyes and swug the knife at him as I flinched waiting for the the hit to come.

But it never came.

I opened my eyes to see the man collapsed on the cold alley floor with a knife in his stomach, a pool of blood was surrounding him.

I noticed it looked like the same knife I was holding. I also noticed I didn't have the knife in my hand.
That is when I came to a realization.

I killed him.

I killed a person.


I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just walk out the alley.  My clothes was covered in blood and my fingerprints were on the knife.

I sat down and cried to myself. What would happen if anyone finds out? What would happen if mom and dad find out?

I would go to jail....

I sat down and cried to myself intil I heard a footsteps. The footsteps got closer to the alleyway. Then they stop.

I try not to look up but I heard a familiar voice.


I look up to see James staring at me and the dead man in horror.

"You killed him.............

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