mirror mirror

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Chapter One

Kim Taehyung

"Jieun, I've liked you for a long time and I know this is sudden but, will you go out with me?" I slapped my cheeks and looked at my reflection with determination. "You can do this. The worst thing that could happen is she says no." If she says no...

"Who am I kidding? The gorgeous Song Jieun and me? Some things are better left to the imagination." I looked at the time on my phone and gasped.

I quickly grabbed my coat and keys then ran out the door. I started the car and drove off to work. When I was about to park I realized someone took my parking space. "That's weird." I parked in a different spot then got out of my car.

"Have you heard there's a new intern? I hear he's really hot." I heard the girls giggling and when they looked at me I smiled. "Good morning." They gave me a shy smile.

"Who is that? He's really handsome, but he looks like a nerd." I looked down. "Be quiet. He's the head accountant and the bosses best friend. You need to be on his good side." I smiled. "She said I was handsome." I held my head high then walked into the building with a smile on my face.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim." Song Jieun. She looks so beautiful everyday. "This is Jeon Jungkook, our new intern." He slightly bowed, his eyes glued to me. "I know interning is not ideal, but our staff here will take good care of you. Good luck." I smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "Th-thanks." He said shyly then looked away.

"So, I'll see you two at the banquet on Friday?" She gave me a thumbs up and I nodded while walking away. "Oh my god." I know I just seemed so cool talking to her, but my hands are shaking. Whenever I'm around her I freak out, but I try to stay calm so she doesn't think I'm weird.

"Um... Excuse me. Mr. Jung wants you in his office." Hoseok's assistant told me. "No problem, Ms. Yoon." She had a slight blush on her cheeks then ran away. My encounters with her are always awkward.


I knocked on his office door twice before walking in, like I usually do. "Yes, Mr. Jung?" He spun his chair around and smirked. "Sit." He motioned to a seat and I sat down. "Coffee and donuts?" Ms. Yoon put coffee and donuts in front of us both. "Thank you darling."

"So, have you seen the hot new intern yet?" I tilted my head. "Who?" He rolled his eyes. "You know who. The one Jieun is showing around." I nodded in realization. "Yeah, I met him out there. Why?" Hoseok smiled.

"I just love hiring handsome young men into my company. So much eye candy." I stood up. "Is that all you needed me for? To talk about men?" Hoseok shook his head. "No, of course not. I need you to walk with me. My daily fashion walk."

Hoseok's daily fashion walk is when he picks the most stylish people of the day and walks throughout the entire building with them. Just to show off. But he'd never pick someone that dressed better than him. He would fire whoever dressed better than him. That's why him and I get along so well. Or so he says. I try not to take it as an insult.

"You want me to join? Do you see what I'm wearing?" He smiled. "That's why I brought a whole year's supply of wardrobe for you. So you can walk with me everyday." I scoffed. "Seems tiring." Hoseok huffed. "No, it's basically telling everyone I'm better than you! Also, that I'm a great best friend, and you just might impress Jieun. So what do you say?"

"Your offer is tempting, but no thanks. I don't need "touch ups" to impress my crush." Hoseok pouted. "Fine. But it's hear if you ever need it." By the time he said that I was already out the door.

I went into the bathroom and as I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror. "She wouldn't want me even after a makeover."

After all, I'm just a nerd.

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