part 17

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Next day evening
The entire day ragini was thinking about Sia & laksh
"Ragini u r still sitting..get ready fast we have to go to the venue Na ..ur engagement dress is kept in wardrobe ok be quick"-sumi
"Hmm ok maa"-ragini
"Ragu beta u r still thinking about Sia I know u r feeling bad but they r not believing us & also shekhar don't want u to be in any problem please ragu is ur engagement"-sumi
"Maa but "-ragini
"Please & get ready"-sumi
& She went leaving ragini
"Maa u r not understanding..I know laksh is very angry but at this Moment i want to support him"-ragini

After some time
Ragini got ready wearing this
(Sorry guys a change in dress .. earlier I mentioned that dress was red in color but a slight change it is of silver ..sorry)

Then only sumi"Ragini beta

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Then only sumi
"Ragini beta u ..."-sumi stopped seeing ragini & tears formed in her eyes
"By ragu is looking so beautiful"-sumi
Ragini smiled to this
"Thank u maa"-ragini
"I must say yug choice is good ..he choosed a beautiful dress"-sumi
Ragini then remembered that it is choosen by laksh
"Maa when all of us leaving"-ragini
"Let's go downstairs then shekhar will tell us"-sumi
Downstairs at hall
Shekhar & Dadi saw ragini coming along with sumi
"My daughter is looking so beautiful"-shekar
"Yes like an angel"-dadi
"Thank you dad & Dadi"-ragini
"Sumi Mr sigh called us we have to go early.. ragini u & maa come together"-shekar
"Ok dad"-ragini
& Both shekhar sumi went
After sometime Pooja came
"Pooja u came "-ragini
"U r looking so beautiful & sexy "-pooja. Ragini smiled at this
"Umm Pooja do u get any information about Sia & laksh"-ragini
"Ragini Omi told me Sia is in hospital but laksh he is nowhere found"-pooja
"Laksh where did he went I hope he is fine"-ragini with teary eyes
"U Don't worry today is ur engagement"-pooja
"But Pooja laksh"-ragini
"Leave all this let's go"-pooja
Ragini nodded
Soon Pooja Dadi & ragini sat in the car
"Mam the car is not starting"-driver
"What happened"-dadi
"Don't know"-driver
"Dadi don't worry we will take a cab"-ragini
After some minutes cab came
"Dadi u both sit I m just coming from my room I forgot to take my phone"-ragini
"Ragini go & get it fast "-dadi

At ragini room
"Where is my phone"-ragini
"R u finding this"-laksh.
Ragini turned back as laksh was behind the door . He immediately shut the door
"Laksh u here how is Sia now me Laksh I didn't do anything.."-ragini cryingly
"Sshh"-laksh shushed her
"Trust & u .. really did u trusted me when I said yug is not a good guy did u trusted me when I said u not to marry him did u trusted me when I said that I didn't send those goons Na then why should I "-laksh angrily
Clutching ragini arm tightly
"Laksh believe me"-ragini cryingly
Laksh smirked to this
"What was my sister fault"-laksh angrily
"Laksh I didn't do "-ragini cryingly
"Shut up ragini"-laksh angrily shouted making ragini flinched in fear
"Today I ur engagement Na ..u might be very happy let's make it more happy..let's get married"-laksh angrily making ragini shocked
"Laksh what r u saying please leave me"-ragini cryingly trying to take her hand back from his clutches
"Stop it ragini we have to marry & that's it"-laksh angrily
"Why is ragini taking so much time"-dadi
"Dadi u wait I will go & call her"-pooja & she entered inside the mansion
"Ragini come yaar we r getting late"-pooja
Raglak listened to this
"Poo.."-ragini. Laksh immediately closed ragini mouth with his palm to stop her from shouting.. ragini was wriggling in laksh arms . He immediately made her smell chloroform so as to faint her
"God this girl I should look upstairs"-pooja. She entered inside ragini room but didn't found her & checked washroom too
"Where did she went "-pooja
Laksh who was hiding in the cupboard along with ragini was waiting for Pooja to go so that he can take ragini with him
"I must check outside"-pooja
When Pooja left laksh immediately came out
"I should take her from back door"-laksh angrily by seeing a fainted ragini
"U destroyed my sis life & going to start a new journey..not at all ragini"-laksh angrily & he left with her
Pooja searched the entire mansion but didn't found ragini she came out
"Dadi ragini is nowhere"-pooja
"What nowhere"-dadi
"I have searched in the entire mansion but she is nowhere"-pooja worriedly
"Oh my god where did ragu went I should call shekhar & sumi"-dadi
& She called shekhar sumi & told her everything
"Maa we r coming u please search elsewhere too "-shekar
At venue
"What happened shekhar"-mr Singh
"Actually ragu is nowhere found don't know where she went"-sumi cryingly
"We r going to find her"-shekar
"What where did ur daughter went on engagement day or did she ran away from engagement"-mrs Singh
"No Mrs Singh ragini can't do this"-shekar angrily
"Dad mom u stay here shekhar uncle i m coming with u"-yug
They trio went

In car
Laksh made ragini lie on the passenger seat & drove away to nearby Temple

Malhotra mansion
"Shekhar where is ragu"-sumi cryingly
"We r searching her sumi calm down"-shekar
"Even police is not taking complain as they said they will only write FIR after 24 hrs"-shekar angrily
"I want my daughter shekhar"-sumi cryingly hugging shekhar
"Sumi beta"-dadi cryingly
"I promise sumi I will get her back but where did she went "-shekar
"Somebody might have kidnap her"-yug
"Kidnap what r u saying why anyone will do this"-shekar
"There is someone who can do this"-yug
"Who "-shekar angrily

At Temple
Laksh stopped his car & looked at ragini who was slowly gaining consciousness
"Aah my head"-ragini she opened her eyes & saw laksh.
"Laksh where r we please leave me"-ragini cryingly
"Leave u ..once my work is done then only"-laksh angrily & he tied ragini hands & closed her mouth with tape
"Ummm mmm"-ragini cryingly
"Come out"-laksh outside the car to which ragini denied
"U r so stubborn"-laksh angrily & then he picked her up & went inside the temple
"Pundit Ji is everything ready"-laksh while coming along with ragini in his arms . Pundit was having his back towards laksh
"Yes everything is..."-pundit
He got shocked seeing laksh carrying ragini in his hand & she was trying to get free
"U can't marry any one forcefully beta"-pundit
"Do what work u r given its my matter & please start I don't have Time"-laksh angrily warning pundit
"Ok"-pundit with scared expression
& He started chanting mantras
Laksh made himself & ragini sit next to him
"Today no one can stop this marriage"-laksh angrily saying to ragini who was crying

Other side
Shekhar enter Along with sumi & yug
"Dp where r u come outside"-shekar angrily shouting
All the khanna family came outside
"Why r u shouting & how dare u enter my house"-parvati
"I m in no mood to talk to u ..just tell me where is my daughter"-shekar angrily
"Ur daughter..why will she be here"-dp
"Please tell me where is my ragu ..Ap u r also a mother Na please"-sumi cryingly folding her hand
"We don't know anything & today is ur daughter engagement she must be with u "-dp
"Yes she should be with us but ur son he kidnapped my daughter in sake of revenge of Sia mishappenig daughter is innocent please tell us where is laksh"-shekar cryingly
"Laksh he is in his room only he didn't went anywhere u can see"-AP
They all went to laksh room & opened it but didn't find laksh
"See where is laksh..tell me"-shekar
"Ap call laksh now"-dp
Ap called laksh
Here laksh picked up his phone & signalled pundit to be quite
"Hello maa"-laksh
"Where r u laksh"-AP cryingly
"I m outside fpr some work what happened"-laksh
"Beta"-AP & she narrated everything
"Is ragini with u"-AP
"Yes maa"-laksh angrily looking at ragini who was crying & trying to get free
"Beta what is she doing with u leave her where r u please come back"-AP
But laksh cut her called & told pundit to continue
"What did laksh said ragini is not with him Na"-dp
"No she is with him"-AP cryingly
"What call him again"-shekar
But his phone was off
"My daughter shekhar"-sumi cryingly
"I will find her but u all I won't spare ur son if he even touched her"-shekar angrily & the trio went leaving Ap crying & dp consoling & rest villian thinking
"Maa where must have laksh taken ragini it was not part of our plan"-jai angrily
"Don't know what happened our plan was going good but this laksh"-rita worrying
"Jai u take yug along with u & find him go "-parvati angrily
"Ok Dadi"-jai
& He went

At Temple
"U both please stand for taking pheras"-pundit
Laksh stood up but ragini didn't he forcefully made her stood up & picked up her in his arms & started to take rounds or pheras .
Once the pheras got completed pundit told laksh to tie mangalsutra on ragini neck & put vermilion on her forehead.. Laksh did as he was told ..& all the time ragini was crying & wriggling. Some vermilion fell on ragini nose & laksh tried to rub it
"It's a good sign u both will love each other very much don't rub it"-pundit
"Love & we ..sorry pundit Ji"-laksh ragini was in shock that her marriage happened to whom she loved very much earlier but now she hates him to the core
"From today u r husband wife"-pundit
Laksh bent down & took his blessing
He then took out some paper from his jacket
"U must be thinking what is this Na ..this is our marriage papers ..u just sign it "-laksh & took ragini hand which were tied
"I know u won't sign but who needs sign ur thumb print will be enough"-laksh angrily & he made her to do it.
Then he opened her hand & mouth
As soon as he opened her hand ragini immediately slapped him hard
"How dare you laksh how could u do this with me ...I hate u so much .. without thinking anything u took such big step ..& destroyed my life"-ragini cryingly & she sat down on the floor
"Destroyed really & what u did ha ..u took revenge on my sis thinking that I send goons to kill ur so called lover yug .."-laksh angrily pulling ragini up
"Now a very happy marriage to u Mrs ragini laksh khanna"-laksh angrily & he went from there leaving behind devastated ragini he then called shekhar
"U must be finding ur daughter she is in temple"-laksh & he cut the call
& Went

PRECAP- laksh to come to pick up ragini.... ragini decision & much more drama to come

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