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Images of the past flash through my head, memories, events... my dog. In one of them a figure I don't recognize is there with me- a boy.

As usual, it's all blurry, as if the swipe was debating whether or not to truly let go.

Please let me see! I speak to my mind . I needed to see this! I want answers.

I concentrate harder, trying to cast up a spark of recognition of the boy holding me. I could make out dirty blonde hair and a lean figure. The boy has me tight in his grip by the corner of the basement, both of us are sharing a blanket. Not a word comes out of him nor I. Across from me, a bordered up window fails to catch the morning sunlight peeping through. Squinting, I burrow my head in the boys neck. The silent atmosphere gave the impression we were meant to be asleep. Fear wells inside me as I try to make out the memory the swipe gives.
How do I know that this is genuinely real and not another one of Wicked's tricks?
There as well in the room are two others, both with blankets just like myself. Was this a basement we were in? Judging from appearance I can make out that they are much older than me and the boy. Tensing up, I dare not move an inch.

A cold sensation runs down my back as a voice whispers.
'I love you Lizzy, Always remember that.'


I jump up with a start, trying to process what my dream gave me. A sudden twitch in my brain makes me feel not like myself anymore. A fresh mind, open to anything new.

Who was that?

But before I can recall anything, Harriet, the leader of group B is in my presence.

'You're up.' She smiles at me from my barely surviving hammock. I attempt a grin back, giving a half hearted smile.
'There's breakfast down at base whenever you're ready, Sonya.'

For once I am taking aback from the words she uses.
Sonya? The name echoes in my mind, but all of a sudden it doesn't feel right. Like two odd pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
And from what the boy said in the dream, he called me something else. Didn't he? The dream is now fading away into the dark. But one thing for certain, It wasn't Sonya he said.
I snap back into reality when I notice Harriet wait for an answer.

'Ok, cool.' I reply, nodding my head. 'I'll be down when I'm ready.'

Before heading out of the tent, she pats my shoulder and looks at me straight in the eye. This was always her way of figuring out if someone was ok or not. Without bothering to hide anything, I make eye contact with her and sigh.
I hope she got the message that we needed to talk later, as it's been a while since that's ever happened, probably the last time was in the Maze.
When she's gone, I swing out of the hammock and get prepared.


After changing into a new outfit and getting ready I head off to our eating area, which wasn't far from our tent.
The fire is burning at a low level making me feel warm and for once, at ease.
Passing a few people, I make it to the food queue where Mary is serving breakfast for the members of the Right Arm and the remaining survivors of Group B.
Group B.
My heart sinks, thinking of the trials and all the people we lost. Me, the second in command with Harriet as the the leader. Not a day goes by where I don't think of those couple of important girls who sadly didn't make it. But most of all, those who were again captured by Wicked. My thoughts flood to Aris, my almost little brother of our group.
Where on earth is he?
Out of guilt and inability to eat, I step out of the line.

Star-Crossed Siblings ~A Newt and Sonya Story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now