It Came in Through the Bedroom Window

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Tony Stark, you know billionaire playboy philanthropist, was impatiently drumming his fingers on the cluttered table beside him. He took in a little breath that was soon released as a sigh, gingerly taking a look at his watch. Being able to see the apartment behind the view of his watch made him remember how out of place he was at the moment.

Peter lived in what Tony would call a ‘sketchy neighborhood’, in an equally sketchy apartment building. As much as Tony protested his Peter living in a place that had once held the title ‘crack apartments’, Peter refused any help in the money department whatsoever. This meant that Tony had to sleep at night, knowing that men in dirty white tanktops were living in the same building as Peter... Kind, small, breakable Peter. Tony’s kind, small, breakable Peter. The thought of some sweaty degenerate breaking easily through Peter’s thin door sent shivers down Tony’s spine, and made him really wish Peter wasn’t so ‘independent’. He knew it wasn’t really Peter’s want to be independent, than it was Peter not wanting to bum off of anyone else. He knew Peter secretly had this weird thing about not wanting to put anyone out, and normally tried making things easier for others before thinking about himself.

‘I should tell him he’s putting me out by making me enter this shady part of town all the time,’ Tony smirked at his own thought, but knew he couldn’t say that to Peter. He would immediately take it to heart, and knowing Peter, he would make sure that whenever they had a date or were meeting up with each other, he would go to Tony and make sure Tony never had to enter his side of town. Tony didn’t want that, not by any means, he loved coming to get Peter, and see all the jealous looks of everyone on the street when they rode past in sheek black cars.

Tony leaned back into the faded sofa, releasing a cloud of fresh dust into the already stuffy air. Peter also wasn’t the cleanly type. Sure he himself was always clean cut and smelling nice, but his apartment spoke otherwise. Clothes scattered across the floor, a thin layer of dust on anything and everything, and two full trash bags waiting for Peter to toss by the door. Just another reason Tony would really like it if Peter would just swallow his stubborn pride and come live with Tony already. For some reason Peter liked to argue about that too.

Taking another look at his watch, Tony let himself groan out loud. It was now six forty-five. As he recalled, he and Peter were supposed to meet at some smaller restaurant at six. Peter hadn’t showed up so Tony assumed he would be at his place. Well, he wasn’t, and Tony was planning on simply waiting for him to confront him, then use the situation as leverage to pull Peter into a rough make-out session. That sounded nice, although maybe not in this neighborhood.

Worry was beginning to set in, now as the time began stretching on. Tony was just about to send another ‘Wer u at’ text, when the sound of a window sliding open drew his attention away. He knew this neighborhood was sketchy.

He was reaching into his pockets for the bracelets that could summon his suit, when he paused. From where he now stood, he could see right into the open doorway to Peter’s messy bedroom. Tony watched, stoic expressionless face, as spiderman climbed into Peter’s room, quite frantically. Tony’s eyes actually widened when the mask was removed, and Peter was revealed beneath it. ‘Peter, is… spiderman?’

So many thoughts, some dirty but most just things clicking and making sense, crossed his mind, while he watched Peter pace in his room, mumbling about being late. It then crossed Tony’s thoughts that he should speak up, but that thought was silenced, quite suddenly, when Peter began shedding the spiderman suit, piece by piece. He started by tearing off the shirt of it, flinging it away while already halfway out of his pants and shoes. He of course had underwear on, although he had to make it briefs if he was in the spidey suit, he wouldn’t ever want to be caught without, especially when he knew Tony.

Peter was panicking now. He was very late, and he knew Tony would be upset. He had literally been on his way over, when of course ‘duty calls’. Now he was searching his floor for a t-shirt and jeans, and was at a loss as to why suddenly all his clothes weren’t where he had left them.

“Oh God,” he ran his fingers through his hair while crouching to check beneath his bed, “Where are all my clothes!?”

He nearly jumped through the ceiling when a response came from behind him in the form of someone clearing their throat. He spun to meet the intruder, a little too quickly, and his heart nearly beat out of his chest at the sight of a smirking Tony Stark. He knew that smirk, it was an evil smirk he normally only saw just before he was bent over the nearest piece of furniture.

“T-tony?” Peter suddenly realized the volume of the situation, “H-how long been there?”

“Long enough to discover a certain Spider’s identity while also get a nice show, which also answered my earlier unanswered question of why you never wear boxers,” Tony always talked fast, it was just him. Peter simply continued to look anywhere but at Tony, and it seemed he couldn’t sit still.

“So I… I should explain,” he bit his lip, face becoming more red when Tony stepped closer, forcing Peter to sit on the edge of his bed. Sometimes he really hated that Tony was always in charge of things, but then again he wouldn’t know what to do with authority, he was more of an underdog type guy.

“Actually it all makes sense now,” Tony wasn’t looking at Peter, in fact the only thing that he was focussing on was the cufflinks he was casually removing, “The impossibly busy schedules, constantly ‘falling down stairs’, your remarkable ability to always catch his good sides in pictures, I’m not sure how I didn’t figure it out before. Pretty obvious now that I think it over.”

Peter was wincing at each word, acting like a child who had just been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to. Tony, on the other hand, was smirking oh so slightly, while removing his watch only to set it on the table beside the bed with his cufflinks.

“You’re not… going to tell anyone-” Tony interrupted Peter, while sliding his jacket off his arms smoothly, folding it briefly only to toss it onto the floor afterwards.

“I wouldn’t ever, Cottontail, although I do think you need to make it worth my while to keep quiet,” Tony was loosening his tie by this time, “And if I remember right, the ‘friendly neighborhood Spiderman’ is one flexible character.”

Blushing didn’t even begin to express what Peter was doing at the moment, it was more along the lines of all the blood in his body rushing to his face. Tony was usually this blunt in speaking, but it never ceased to make Peter nervous and shaky.

“Up,” Tony demanded in a simple tone, and after a slight hesitation, Peter slowly complied, pulling himself to his feet and standing directly in front of Tony. Tony smirked at his nervous face, watching playfully at Peter as he stared nervously at the floor. With an honest smile, Tony gently fit his hand on the small of Peter’s back, while placing the other on the back of his neck, pushing him slightly into a kiss. He knew just how to get Peter going. If he didn’t start off all tongue and teeth, just with a simple peck, he could leave his Cottontail wondering. Then he’d swoop in with another peck, one that lingered longer than the last, before going in open mouthed. Peter let out a small noise of content, and Tony knew he had him just where he wanted him.

The sky had darkened by now, as the two lay in a tangled sweaty heap under the sheets. Tony was reading over some emails on his phone, his other hand gently running through Peter’s hair where he lay his head on Tony’s chest. Peter’s own hand was silently circling the reactor on his chest, which secretly always soothed Tony for some reason.

“I’m pretty sure that was illegal,” Peter mumbled quietly and Tony couldn’t help but chuckle lightly. They’d been together for almost two years now, and Peter still got embarrassed about sex. Tony put his phone back down and wrapped his arm around Peter, putting them in a tight embrace.

“Well, then I guess we’re going to become law breakers,” he jested, then was rewarded by a slight knee in the stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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