Felix x Tsundere reader

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Author's Note: I decided to have this one in Felix's POV so that it's more of a surprise thing? Since she's tsundere it would be easier xD. Again sorry for Author's Notes, I prefer to not use these since it's not professional for me but t_t

Y/N = your name

S/T = Species type

Felix's POV:

I began walking down the street. I wanted to have any sort of new idea for a book I could make. I wanted to write a few fictional stories in my lifetime, so I thought this would be the best way to get ideas. Along the way, I ran into a young, pretty S/T girl. She was crouching on the ground, groaning in pain. I got curious, so I walked over to her.

"Oh, hello there miss!," I said. When I got closer to her, I could see she was gripping her knee which was bleeding. "Are you alright?," I asked in worry. She groaned some more before looking at me, appearing to be angry. "I'm obviously fine! You should mind your own business!," she said, before replying with a "hmph!,". 

"Well, I don't think you are fine. Your knee is bleeding, and it could turn infected. I think you should go to the doctor!," I offered. "I can take you there if you can't walk well,". She looked back over to me with sparkly eyes, before scowling at me. "Uh, no! I told you before, I'm fine! I don't need your help, it's just a scratch!," she replied in a disgusted tone. I didn't know why she was acting this way, but I wasn't a judgmental one, so I let her act like that to me. "Trust me, I've been like you before, ignoring scratches. If it wasn't for the medicine I had when the fire tiger scarred me, it would've gotten infected. At least, just go. The worst thing that could happen is that they put medicine on it. If you want, I can pay for it!," I was hoping she would agree to this. I was worried for her health.

"Ugh, fine, whatever! But only if you're paying for it!," she said, smirking at me. I sighed in relief that she finally let me help her. "Alright, may I help you up?," I was respectful of others, and didn't want to get in somebody's personal space. Luckily, I was ready when she yelled at me again. "No! Don't touch me!," she yelled right in my ear, which made me jolt for a second. I backed up to touch my ear which was now ringing. She tried to get up in the meantime, before tumbling back down. After a few tries, I was thinking she would let me help her up by now, but to my dismay she was still trying to get up. When she finally got up for herself, I thought she was going to follow me. I took a few steps back, ready to start heading to a hospital, but then she fell over again. I sighed. "Are you sure you don't want help? If you keep walking on your leg, it might get worse," I finally said to her. I was thinking she would yell at me again, but she now was calm and quiet. "Please carry me,".

I didn't understand the change of mood very well, I was guessing she was a stubborn girl. I kinda liked that though, she would definitely be smart enough to run away from a bad guy. I picked her up. She was pretty heavy, but I managed. When we made it to the hospital, I sat her down on a chair and went up to the front desk. It was a small room, filled with several other people waiting. The front desk lady looked over to me before sighing. "Yes?,". It was that rabbit girl again, Fanny. "Well, I saw this girl crouching on the ground a few minutes ago, and she has a really bad bleeding wound on her knee. I was willing to help, and she's sitting over there," I pointed to Y/N. 

She looked over to where I pointed, and examined the wound from afar. "It's not even that bad, but I mean my friend Dovil can still look at it if you want," she replied. I crossed my arms. "Trust me Fanny, that's not an ordinary wound," I defended myself. "Okay, if you think you're so smart about wounds then go become a doctor. I can't wait for you to fail your exams," she said to me sarcastically. I groaned. "Just get me a nurse to check her wound, alright?," I left the front desk and sat over next to her. I didn't want to seem awkward, so I sparked a conversation. "Hey, what's your name anyway? I never found out your name," she looked over to me. She suddenly got angry with me again. "My name is back off! I will tell you my real name when I'm ready!,". At this point, I was just very confused with her attitude but I didn't want to bother asking about it yet.

"Alright, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I smiled sweetly. Her expression softened, before I could see a soft smile across her lips. "So, what do you like to do?," I asked. She then frowned. "I don't know. I usually just stay at home and watch YouTube. It's not like there's anything else for me to do!,". "Do you like to read books?," I asked her. "Sometimes, I guess. Not a lot though!," she says to me. "Well, did you know that I'm an author? If you ever feel interested in reading, you should check out mine!,". "You can't force me to read your books!," she yelled at me. "Oh,  no no. Don't worry, I am not forcing anything on you. It's alright if you don't want to!," I replied in a soft manner.

Suddenly, a yellow bird girl came out of the door next to me. She looked over to us and waved her hand for us to follow. I helped the girl back up and carried her over to the patient room. Dovil immediately noticed the wound on the girl's leg and gasped. "Oh wow, this is not some ordinary wound!," she said with worry. "I know," I said with annoyance. "Fanny tried telling me that it was nothing, but I could tell it wasn't true,". "She just has problems at home, and she lets off her anger in front of other people. Don't worry though, I'm sure she will get better eventually," she smiled softly at us. I nodded before she began to examine further on her wound.

Soon enough, Dovil got some rubbing alcohol and began to pour it over Y/N's wound. She screamed. "OW! That hurts!," she began kicking her legs. Dovil ignored being kicked as she continued to pour it over the wound and wipe away the blood. I felt bad that she was being attacked. "Stop kicking please, I understand it stings but she's only doing this to help,". Dovil giggled at me. "Thanks for standing up for me, Felix, but honestly, I'm alright. I'm very used to this already, she's only doing this because it hurts I'm sure,". Felix felt bad for Dovil but had to understand Y/N's pain.

After about 10 minutes, the wound was red but it no longer was bleeding. She finally stopped kicking Dovil and began to feel better. "Sorry, I got mad since I was in pain," she finally said. "Hey, it's all alright! I promise," I smiled at her. I went to the front desk to pay for the treatment as well as giving Dovil a small tip for being so helpful and nice. "Thank you very much!," she said before letting us leave. I looked over to Y/N again. "By the way, my name's Y/N," she finally says to me. I was stunned by her beautiful name. "Well Y/N, that's beautiful. My name's Felix," I said to her. "Thanks. Sorry for being a jerk to you back then, I don't easily get nice to people until after some time. It's just that I've been forced into many things I didn't want to do, and I felt manipulated by older friends. That's why I was acting like that, but I believe you're a lot different from them," she smiles to me.

"Well thank you, I'm glad I am different than your other friends," I reply back. Suddenly, she hugged me tightly. I felt my heart beat faster and my face heating up. I smiled sweetly, softly hugging her back. "You can hug me tighter than that you dummy!," she said to me jokingly. My face got even more heated up, as if I was blushing. I finally hugged her tighter. After our hug, she had to leave. "I'll see you later around here! I put my number in your pocket," she waves at me before leaving. I didn't know why I was acting like this, but I felt attracted to her. I decided to return home.

After about ten minutes, I finally reached my house. I got the keys and unlocked the door. I couldn't stop thinking about her! Every time I turned around I thought I could see her. When I got inside, I finally decided I should text her. But before I could text her, my phone beeped. I looked over to my phone, and saw a message from an unknown number.

Hey kitty cat~

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