Chapter 10

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I couldn't remeber anything .. I guess I fell asleep or something, it was quite unusual for me to do that though. I was very observant for my age so I don't know what happened. My eyes were closed still, I hadn't opened them yet. I could tell I was lying on the forest ground. I felt leaves all over me. I opened my eyes and blinked 3-4 times before catching focus. No one was there. I thought to myself "why am I here? Where's Scott I need to get to him..?"

Scott didn't know my howl, although maybe he would because were siblings. Maybe he could tell that I was trying to get ahold of him. I was now sitting up, I took one deep breath and was getting ready to howl, so loud the whole town could hear me! I started howling for Scott and someone grabbed ahold of me and told me if I tried that again I would be beheaded. I certaintly liked my head exactly where it was so I said nothing. I could not tell who the girl was... I had never met her before, I couldn't even guess who she was because the moment I turned around she was gone! It was odd. She didn't have claws like a wolf. Maybe she was like Jackson. But if that's true, why'd she come back? "Should I move? Maybe not! There could be wireings set throughout the woods as traps. Maybe she knew I was a wolf...maybe she knew Scott or Derek, hell maybe even Aidan." One thing I knew for sure though was that I was getting the hell out of this place! It was rather dreary and dark, it seemed like no one ever came back here. I used to come out and explore the woods before I left with dad but I haden't remembered this place. It was odd, there was something different about this area, something haunting, something really unusual that was about to come back I could sense it.

I didn't bother looking for Scott that day because I figured he was already home. I just went home, got a shower, got dressed, and left. There was NO WAY I was going to be cooped up in that house all day. I had to figure this out it was bothering me to the point that if I didn't find out I'd go insane. So I went to find Derek and Scott because they'd would know more about this than me.

I started at the school, I mean Scott was usually with Stiles there anyways so I figured i'd give it a try. I looked in coaches room, I looked in Mrs. Martin's class, I couldn't find them. I can't believe it took me two hours to find them! I forgot they had lacrosse practice, how stupid of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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