08 euphoria

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Iris lets out a laugh as she looks me over. "Well, this is certainly a new look for you." She teases.

"You're early," I state.

"Is that a problem?" She asks, raising an eyebrow with that smirk of hers.

"No, not at all, I just wasn't expecting you until later, otherwise I would have cleaned up a bit," I say with a sheepish grin, gesturing to my apparel.

"I see, well in that case, are you going to invite me in?" She inquires.

"Oh! Yeah, of course. Come on in." I respond, stepping to the side and opening the door wider so she can pass through. She makes her way inside, out of the small hallway, and into my living room/kitchen. I close the door and make my way past her and make a beeline for the kitchen, hurriedly picking up the empty plastic bags littering the floor before shoving them into a drawer.

"I'm sorry the place is such a mess, I've been cooking all afternoon." I apologize, grabbing a piece of kitchen roll and mopping up the spills on my countertops and stove.

"This is hardly what I'd call a mess, you should see my apartment." She says with a smile.

"The lasagna is ready, I just have to get the table all set, dish it out, and then I'll get started on dessert." I impart, grabbing my oven mitts and retrieving the lasagna. Luckily I manage to get through each task with a single arm.

"You really didn't have to go to all this trouble," Iris says softly, biting her lip, which I can't help but find incredibly sexy. I've been studying her intently for a moment before I finally compose myself and turn back towards the lasagna. Luckily she had been looking just as intently at me, and I had noticed a blush creeping its way onto her cheeks. I can't help but smile slightly.

"It's no trouble, I like to cook." I disclose after a moment, turning back to the lasagna.

"You've got the apron and everything, which is totally working for you by the way." She says with a grin, leaning across the kitchen island.

"Sounds to me like somebody's flirting," I say, carrying the warm dish of lasagna over to the kitchen island with one hand and setting it down before rummaging through my cupboards, pulling out two plates. I place one in front of Iris and set the other across from hers before grabbing some cutlery and arranging forks and knives beside them. I turn around to grab a serving spoon.

"Well isn't that what you do on a date? You talk, you flirt, and..." Iris has moved off of the kitchen island and I can feel her presence behind me. Soon enough I feel her arms wrap around my shoulders, her lips against my ear. "You just might get lucky."

"How lucky are we talking?" I say with a smirk, surprisingly unfazed by our close proximity. I can tell she had applied perfume earlier, it's subtle, having been applied sparingly, but she's so close I can tell.

"I think you're about to find out." Suddenly her lips are on mine. I turn my body so I'm facing her and her arms lock around my neck. My good hand drifts to her hip and I pull her closer. We can't seem to get enough of each other. The kiss is everything a kiss should be: passionate and demanding. Her hands are in my hair, and my arms are wrapped around her waist. The kiss deepens and the world seems to fall away. Just when I think we can't possibly get any closer, any space that had been left between us is gone in an instant. I can taste mint and the smell of her perfume is intoxicating. I move my good hand to rest below her ear and I begin to caress her cheek as our breaths mingle.

Memories of Delilah began to flood my brain. I try to focus on the beautiful girl in front of me and the world-stopping kiss we're sharing, but Delilah won't stop invading my thoughts. I pull away slowly, looking into Iris's mesmerizing blue eyes.

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