Chapter 3

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It's a new day and I'm driving out of my drive way with just plain denim skinny jeans and with a floral ruffled tank top and my bag for school.
As I keep driving I see a guy walking with a backpack and notice that it's Braiden Hunt again going to school. I just keep driving and ignore him, I did not and don't want anything to do with him.

It's the second day in a row that I see the jerk from yesterday walking to school late. I am not going to be bothered of feeling bad for him again just because he can't wake his lazy ass up earlier.


After the bell rings letting us know that third period has ended I walk out of class heading to my locker. I see my friend Violet walking towards my locker, as soon as she gets there I notice she's wearing the skinny jeans I bought for her with a short sleeve top.


"Hey" I replied. I noticed something odd about the way she looks at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing much, except for that Hunter just broke up with me"

"Are you serious? are you okay?" I asked her in a confused way. Hunter is Violets boyfriend but It honestly doesn't make a difference if he broke up with her. They have only been dating for just a couple of weeks and she said her self that it was not working out, so you could see why I would be confused at this point.

The bell rang telling us to go to fourth period which was English class.

"I'll talk to you later V... Sorry for what happened" I said that in a more sympathetic way because she looks quite sad for someone who wanted to end things in the first place.

"Why are you sorry? It's not like you've done anything..."

"I know, I'm just sorry that you couldn't dump his sorry ass first" I couldn't help myself and smirk as I told her the truth.

"Hahaha.. Very funny" A smile appeared on her face at that moment finally.

"See you should be smiling like that
everyday and not putting yourself down because of that jerk"

It's sad to see her down like this. And that is why I don't like being in a relationship, at least until I'm done with high school or maybe even college.

"See you later Anna"

And with that she leaves to her class nothing but a little smile on her face because of that idiot.

As I sat down in the same seat as I did yesterday




Someone keeps poking me on my right shoulder and keeps calling me fiercie. It better not be who I think it is, because if it is I will lose my mind.

As I turn around bracing myself to find out who it actually is the teacher walks in to start the class.

Just like I wondered, as I turned around I find the jerk himself the ass to the freaking hole sitting there as he had done nothing.

"Can I help you?" I try asking politely as I look disappointed to find out that I actually have a class with him.

"Yeah.. I need a ride after school again" He says looking straight at me.

"Then go ask one of your girlfriends to take you" I throw at him right when he finished his sentence.

"Ouch.. that hurts you know.. it hurts me right here" he says in a sarcastic voice while patting his heart. I'm not sure he even has a heart, but who knows it's just probably very small.

"Aww.. really? My bad. Then you should go tell them how badly it feels not me" I reply in my 'I really don't care' voice and give him the fakest smile that there is.

"Your not so nice fiercie.. your either not a very nice person or PMSING."

"I actually get compliments of how nice I am.. and no.. no I'm not..."

"You sure about that?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you"

"I'm not asking you to."

He defends himself with his hands up by his sides.

He gets me angry so quick.. but who could stay mad at a guy with the kind of looks he has?

Our society is always based on looks like actors, models, singers, and news anchors, but he's just a bad boy with good looks.

Class had begun and he has stopped bothering me.

I hope it will be like this the whole year.



School has ended, as I start walking toward the parking lots I see a body figure beside my car.

I guess V needs a ride today, I always like riding with her because she knows not to touch the radio when I drive. Plus she's fun to talk to during car rides.

"Hey V"

"Umm.. that's not a common nickname for me, but you can call me anything you want" A masculine voice blurred out.

I'm starting to have second thoughts about that body figure being V.

And then that body figure with the suspicious masculine deep voice pops out and it reveals to be the one and only who I just could get enough of.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

"Yes.. in fact you can help me by a lot if you give me a ride."

"I don't know.. Do not nice people give strangers rides?"

I say mocking his words that he had said earlier today.

"Yes.. yes they can."

"Get in" I reply to his 'brilliant' words as I frown in annoyance.

I have to give him a ride since I am a nice person and I felt bad that he still doesn't have his own car.

Poor guy. But at the same time I don't feel bad for him. Is that mean of me?


He touches my radio..

He eats his snacks inside my car as crumbs fall on the seat and floor..

He is ignorant and a really big jerk just like his ego.

"Is this your place?"

"No. The white house with a really green lawn on the right side."

"Here you go"

"Nice riding with you Fiercie" he says as he gets out of my car holding the car door with his right hand.

"Can't say the same"

"Aww come on... I wasn't that bad?"

As he said that my face went from happy to straight when he finally got out.

"You know what?.. your not a not nice person."

"Aww... thanks that makes me feels so much better."

What can I say? I'm just good at sarcasm

"That's what I do Fiercie." He has to add on.

"Nice ego Braiden."

"I try"

He replies as he closes the door and walks toward the little cement stairs by his porch. I drive out as fast as I can before he comes back and needs to go somewhere else.

I guess I'm not always nice, but I'm not exactly mean.

We all have our moments right?

{ Hi everyone. Hope all of you liked this chapter. I will try to update more, school started and I was really busy with all the school work. -xoxo}

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