So Called Bliss - Part One

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The rest of the early morning went by quickly. Ryland was asleep in the corner, as he refused to sleep anywhere near me.

We didn't even really talk after that, just a small argument over where he could sleep. I, on the other hand, didn't sleep. I stayed up reading, and pondering about a few things.

What did he mean when he said I would regret this?

He doesn't seem that bad. Aside from his attitude and threats. What else could there be that would make me regret my courteous behaviors?

I stared at the wall as the thoughts came one by one, until, in my mind, it was just a big pile of ridiculousness. Most of my ideas were pretty absurd, they're definitely things that could be crossed off of the list.

Eventually, I pushed the thoughts aside. No point in trying to think of something now. I rolled over to face the other side of the room, and glanced at Ryland. He was on his side, facing the wall, and he knees were pulled up to his torso, snoring a bit loudly.

I sighed deeply, and shifted again. By this point I was restless, and I also had no idea what time it was. If it is late enough, I could get up and go on about my day without being asked why, or I would have to lay here a bit longer and wait impatiently.

I sat up, and glanced at the clock in the corner of the room.

Seven thirty.

Works for me.

I slowly pushed the covers off of me, and swung my legs over the side of the bed, standing up. I tried to exit my room quietly, but to no avail. The floorboards squeaked under my weight, in protest, and before I knew it, the loud scrambling of the family dog's steps as he made his way over here. He jumped on me, wagging his tail and panting.

"Get down." I said sharply but quietly, and lightly pushing him down. I left the room, closing the door and leaving the dog with Ryland.

I walked slowly to the kitchen and turned on the dim light, once I got there. Quietly, as most of my actions have been, I started pulling a few things out of the pantry and fridge. I wasn't going to eat what I was about to make, it was only for Ryland.

Unless he gets mad and throws it at me.

Sighing, I began mixing the items together. Honestly, I wasn't really sure about what I had taken out of the pantry or the fridge, I just know that this is what was used to make the dish.

Whatever the hell it's called.

My mind went back to when Ryland had given away that he was angry with me, and probably every other rich person- or maybe even person- he's ever met. I was somewhat eager to know why he was so angry, but I also wanted to leave it alone. It's not my business, anyways, no matter how much I would like to know. Maybe another time, if it is ever brought up, I'll ask. But for now, I won't bother.

But I still had a lot of questions for him, although I highly doubted that he would open up very easily. He's one of those people, but I don't mean that in a rude way. It's understandable.

Some time passed, the dish was done and I was about to take it back up to my room, until I heard barking and shouting.

"What the hell! Get off of me!"

I put the plate on the counter and ran to my room, ignoring the stupid creaking from the floorboards. I stopped in the middle of my room, to see our dog jumping on and barking at Ryland, and Ryland already seemingly pissed.

That's new, I thought sarcastically. I reached over and tugged the dog by his collar. Ryland quickly stood up and was clenching his fists. He looked as though he was just about to beat the shit out of someone. I sighed a bit.

This is not going to be my day.


Given the first two chapters, I think you know that I typically don't make them short. I apologize for the shitty, short chapter. It's four am and I just wanted to get this done. I'm also sorry for the updates being slow, I've been busy with color guard and work and just, ugh. Busy.

I'll try to start updating more regularly.

Part two of this may be a while though, because I have more parade practice soon, then the parade itself, and then band camp. Sooo.

Till then~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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