Ka-ching and Guitar Strings

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Gaku had been admiring her for a while, the girl working behind the counter of a local convenience store. At first he was impressed with her strength, no matter the situation or how rude the customer she was polite and efficient. On top of that she could do incredible things; despite her small stature she could lift some of the heaviest boxes. Before he knew it he was coming there everyday with the hopes of having even the smallest of small talk with her as she scanned the items he was purchasing.

"That will be 875 yen."

Her telling him the price of four boxes of soba brought him out from the cloud he was hanging out in. "Yeah." He handed over the money, desperately trying to think of something to say. It was now or never, it'd been a whole month of 'yeah' and 'thanks' being the full extent of their conversation. He had to think of something. If anything, he could go with the basics. Keep calm, just say something casual, no need to be in a rush, she'll be here tomorrow. "What's your name?" he blurted out. Certainly that's not what he wanted to say, but he'd already considered the consequences of asking her how her day was when he didn't even so much as know her name.

"Lame." the voice behind him muttered, just loud enough for Gaku to hear. The voice, naturally, belonged to his fellow band mate, Kujou Tenn. As usual, mocking him and his attempts to talk to a single girl. It hadn't taken him long to catch on to the way Gaku was acting around the mysterious convenience store cashier. The boy now had good teasing material and wasn't afraid to use it.

"Now, now" another voice spoke up. As usual it was the eldest member's, Tsunashi Ryunosuke's, job to attempt to quiet Tenn before he riled up Gaku. It was a tedious job but he was working hard as the mediator between the three.

Gaku did everything to not let any irritation show on his face as the girl, surprised, stared at him and blinked. Was she not going to answer? Of course not, a complete stranger asking for her name out of nowhere would put her off. This was his shot and he blew it, he was sure.

"Are you... Yaotome Gaku?" she asked. But five seconds later realized he has asked her a question. She was too busy freaking out about being in such close proximity to someone from a band she admired that she hadn't entirely paid attention. What did he ask me? Right, my name! "T-Takanashi Tsumugi!" she practically yelled it, enough for the other customers to notice and give her strange looks, making her want to hide herself.

"Wait how do you..." he was shocked. Sure, he was in a band, but it was just a local one that played a few gigs a week. They did have a fair following due to their looks and vocals but it wasn't like they were making headlines. "I... yes, that is me." he was still shocked but it wasn't by the fact she knew who he was anymore, no, it was how adorable she looked when she was flustered. Cute. "Tsumugi... that's a nice name." he complimented with a smile on his face to go with it.

"First name basis already, wow, what a go-getter." more of Tenn's backseat commentary followed this awkward exchange.

"Teeeennn" Ryu attempted to cover Tenn's mouth and stop him.

"I..." Tsumugi's embarrassment was gone but a man she had been admiring for a while was still talking to her, he even used her first name. "I was dragged along to one of your concerts by a friend... she is really into more indie stuff... at first I wasn't interested, but your fantastic vocals, how well you all blend together harmoniously, and the mix of pop and rock was lovely!" she could go on for ages. Something she hadn't been interested in before she had became a huge fan of overnight. She noticed him coming in here a lot, either alone or with the rest of his group, and had wanted to talk to him but no words had come out until today. Now she could talk forever, but had to resist this urge. "I became a fan..." it was as simple as that. Though with the way she was gushing she was sure he had caught on by now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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