Holidays and Kisses

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"Bella! Bella" Jaden shouts at me making me hit him from the other side of the bed, we really need to buy another bed for this room. I look towards the clock before i answer him; 6:32 am, seriously Jaden. "Are you even alive under there?"

I laugh as I push all of my hair away from my face, "What is it?" I ask.

"Someone's seen Ash." my eyes widen and I sit up straight in our bed.


"Yeah thats the bad news..."


"He's in Mexico" ... what?

Its been two weeks or so since Wayne came to our apartment threatening to kill us if we didn't find Ash and to be honest I didn't think it would be that difficult. Jay told me he knew guys who could find him so all he had to do is go to him and convince him to come back and at least talk to Wayne, but we never realised we'd have to go all the way to Mexico to do this!

"Bel, im so sorry you got dragged into this," He tells me honestly as he drives us to school. Its now almost eight and we spent the whole mornings discussing ideas.

"Its not your fault Jay" and it isn't. He never asked for any of this either and Im not gonna let him deal with it alone.

"well just a heads up, you can leave at any time" I roll my eyes at him and he laughs, "No actually though, if you want to you can find a new flat"

"well just a heads up, that isn't going to happen. You're stuck with me"



Its lunch so we all decide to meet at a small cafe which is only a two minute walk away from uni. Me and Jay have an idea which we want to present to the rest of the group and see what they say. I walk in with Mia to see them all sat down around a table, I chuckle at the sight of 7 people crowded around a small table probably meant for about 4.

Mia goes and sits down on Ace's lap because there aren't anymore chairs, she was just telling me that apparently they're like a thing now which confused me at first but now I can see it. Not to my surprise I get pulled onto Tylers lap which I immediately jump out of which makes the rest of the table laugh and make fun of him for getting pied. Soph moves over in her chair so I share hers instead.

"So why this top secret meeting?" Cole asks looking at Jaden and I.

"So we have an idea since obviously October Half term is next week and we have two weeks off from uni..." Jaden starts building the tension and then I take over: "Who wants to go on a spontaneous holiday to Mexico!!"

The whole table roars into excitement, the girls are basically squealing and the guys are banging the table hyping us all up. Within all of about 2 minutes, the mac's were out and people were looking up hotels and flights, surprisingly they're even more excited about this than I am. Everyone confirms that they can come and Lola asks if her boyfriend, Sam, can tag along to make it even numbers. I've personally never met him but the others seem to like him a lot so I don't see any problem with it.

The lunch hour was coming to an end and we've planned to meet at Sophie's apartment later so that we can finalise all the details, and I think its fair to say, I have never been more excited for a holiday.

Soph and I both have classes this afternoon fairly near each other so we decide to walk together with our coffees.

"So now we're alone, you can finally tell me what happened with Otto?" she says to me with a hopeful look in her eye. I mean she is basically my best friend at the moment, why shouldn't I tell her.

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