Chapter 3: Fall Of Cybertron

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It's been years of peace, since Trypticon, Bumblebee, and Lockdown were killed. Optimus Prime and the Autobots have built a Monument, dedicated to their lost brothers. Megatron and Optimus, are getting along quite nicely, to become the brothers, they once were. As all Autobots still mourn over the loss of Bumblebee, Optimus Prime feels the most guilty, and tells Ratchet:

(Optimus): "I was right there... I could have helped save him, but I was too weak. Bumblebee was a brave soldier, he risked his life to protect Sam, until his unfortunate death at the hands of these filthy agents... He then, helped me protect Cade and his family... And yet, I was not there for him, at that very moment."

(Ratchet): "If you are thinking on starting a war, I would not recommend it. I would not wage a war, for the sake of ONE of our best soldiers and scouts."

(Optimus): "Do you realize, how many of our brothers have fallen, at the hands of Trypticon, Lockdown, and Unicron? Perceptor, Sunstreaker, Bluestreak, Leadfoot, Topspin, Roadbuster... How many more of our kind, must be sacrificed, to atone for my mistakes?"

(Ratchet): "Optimus, don't say that. You were our leader, once and you will always be the voice of my inspiration. The only way to move on with our lives, is to let the past die, and kill it if you have too."

(Optimus): "Wise words, old friend... I'm glad I have you."

Suddenly, Optimus sees a vision of the future, in which the core of the planet "Cybertron" has suffered a failure. But since Optimus and Cybertron(Primus) share the same spark, it is impossible for one to live without the other. The time for Cybertron to die, has come, and in 5 days, the explosion of the planet will begin. Optimus then rallies the Autobots for a speech:

(Optimus Prime): "After eons of conflict with the Decepticons, who are, as you know, are no more, we have finally become one team, but it is unfortunate for me to tell you, that my time has come, Cybertron is dying, if Cybertron dies, So do I. Autobots, I want you to know, That... Whenever you look to the stars, think of one of them, as my soul, for I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message, to all remaining Transformers... that time will come, in five days."

(Megatron): "Optimus, what are you saying? Cybertron could not possibly shut down by its own after sustaining... Oh wait. It was I, who caused the war for Cybertron, by infusing Dark Energon, into the planet's core, eons ago.... "

(Optimus): "As Ratchet once told me: "Let the past die, Kill it if you have to" the only way, to move on, is to forget about the past."

(Megatron): "Sound advice, Brother. Sound advice. Soundwave, Shockwave, go investigate the problem with our planet's core, we need to find out what is causing the dying of our home."

(Soundwave): "As you command, Lord Megatron. Shockwave you're up with me."

(Shockwave): "Affirmative."

Shockwave and Soundwave transform and make their way to the planet's "Well of All sparks" which is also the core of the planet. Unknown to Soundwave, Shockwave shockingly transforms into a jet, and Soundwave now transforms into a Cybertronian race car as both of them race to the location of the core.

(Optimus): "I really hope I'm wrong, Megatron. I really hope, that the core is being messed with, by Quintessa, who wanted to awaken Unicron to destroy us. I have a bad feeling about this."

(Megatron): "I have the feeling that Quintessa is messing around, too. And Optimus... Forgive me for my past actions... Now, I never wish to seek oppression, after finding it in Unicron..."

(Optimus): "We all get the chance to change, even you Megatron."

(Megatron): "I... "

(Optimus): "I sense it, too. Let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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