Day 1

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daisybelle: i saw a couple people do this 31 day challenge so why not. some useless facts about me. i'll give you like five. 1. im cuban, boy am I proud! 2. im the second oldest of 3; basically the middle child. 3, my name is daisy maria cruz. A mouthful, I know. 4, my nickname is belle because I like animals kinda like beauty and the beast but high key no intercourse. finally 5, I like cake....
surprise fact number 6, I have lupus.

hannacruz: you slay, sister!

xandercruz: you'd suck as a hater, hanna.

daisybelle: you'd suck as a supporter xander you just suck in general actually

havanaxcuba: to my Cuban sister, I pray that your lupus gets better and who doesn't like cake???

daisybelle has a new dm.

havanaxcuba: I'd like it if you came to a Cuban heritage discussion in little havana, miami on the 26th of this month.

daisybelle: count me in!!!

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