You fixed me

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"I was lost in darkness, cold never ending

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"I was lost in darkness, cold never ending. But you took me in and showed me love, while you where gone I couldn't sleep,I would cry. You would come home and help me up when I would fall. We wanted forever, but I wasn't faithful and slipped through the cracks, and once more like always you helped me back up. so remember when-ever you need a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, or a sturdy foundation to help you up, I'll be there. We will have forever no matter what I will always help you, and you will always help me. Like we promised you fixed me and i gave you forever."        Anyway! this is my main oc their name is Rouge

Hope you like it! also the little thing is for someone special to me on here...Yes i wrote it


Remember everyone is special in there own way!

~ Lamchild

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