i love you dorl 6

45 7 1

Hope you like this part this one is so sweet so come read it ok bye.

At the afternoon
Denis POV
I think I want to record a video today with corl again or Alex maybe I should text the group
Group chat)
Din-guys who wants to record with me
Corky-how about let's record in the pals craft
Skoopy-good idea yeah let's all record
So they record for anless an hour then the video is done so Fletch edit the video and upload it for an sec then all of the pals rest then Denis check out the kitty of the day and it was so cute.
Sketch POV
*Sigh*i should get an rest an call corky later *rest for a bit*.
So sketch rest and going to call corl later
Corl POV
*Sigh*I should call sketch
Hey Skoopy
Skoopy-hey corl what are you doing
Fine how about you I Know your tired so take a nap
Skoopy-thanks corl ok bye
Bye skoopy
End of the call)
So corl check her computer for a bit then Denis call
D-hey corl
C-hey din din
D-wanna go somewhere not an date
C-ok I will
D-meet you at the plaza
C-ok bye din din
End of the call)
So corl change her clothes and fix her hair then drives on her car and Denis changes her clothes also then drives to her car so to of them are in the plaza then goes to an coffee shop
Corl answer-so what
Denis-what do you want I'm going to get an coffee
Corl -same .
But then Denis stares at corl and he thought that he looks like a cute girl but corl is drinking coffee then checking her phone but then Denis buys an doughnut and he feeds corl like a girl but corl is blushing but corl is glad that there are no more peoples on the shop but corl is ok on that but he likes it that Denis feeds her like a girl but then he blush but then sketch called then Denis stops feeding corl like a girl and corl answers the phone call
Skoopy-hey corl I'm in your house where are you
Corky - I'm in a coffee shop with Denis meet you up later you can go at my room
Skoopy- ok bye cork
End of the call)
Denis answer oh did sketch called you
Corl answer back yeah I'm going home later so where are we going next
Denis answer back well I should go home already
Corl -ok .
So corl goes at her car and drives home  then goes at her room then they played Roblox but then corl lays down on her bed but then sketch hugs corl but corl blushes then sketch flirt with corl but corl gets up then blush but sketch pulled corl then he started kissing corl but corl can't move he froze and denis is calling but he cannot move so he ignored it but corl lays down on the bed but sketch goes home so happy but corl is still frozen but then corl can move again.
Corl POV
*Touches lips * I I I I I I can't believe that sketch kisses me *bites finger*.
So corl become so flirty at the night but then he snap out being flirty .
Wait why I am being flirty but why did sketch kisses me .

  Yeah how can sketch kisses corl he's a boy then what now ok I'm done just kidding there are more parts ok byeeeeeeee 😘😍😍😘😍😍😍😘😍😍😍😘😘😘😍😍😘😘😘😘😘

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