The Aeneid #2

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Type of work: Poem

Author: Publius Vergilius Maro (70-19 B.C.)

Type of plot: Heroic epic

First Transcribed: Augustan manuscript

Principle characters:

AENEAS, Trojan hero destined to found the Roman race

DIDO, Queen of  Carthage, in love with Aeneas

ANNA, her sister

ASCANIUS, son of Aeneas

ANCHISES, father of Aeneas

VENUS, goddess of love and beauty, mother of Aeneas

JUNO, queen of the gods and enemy of the Trojans

CUMAEAN SIBYL, a prophetess who leads Aeneas to Hades

LATINUS, king of the Latins, whom Aeneas defeats in battle

LAVINIA, his daughter

TURNUS, Latin hero ambitious for the Latin throne and hand of Lavinia

EVANDER, Arcadian king, ally of Aeneas

PALLAS, his son


This poem is the distinguished Latin epic which celebrates the glory of Rome in great poetry. It records the traditional story of the establishment of the Roman race and thus traces the lineage of the Romans back to Aeneas and Troy. It has already stood the test of time and will go down in history as one of the world's great epics.

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