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-Jeff's point of view-

I look around, the old castle smething that would give a eerie feeling to a normal person, but for me it gave me a good feeling, like I could accomplish anything. As I walked to the kitchen, BEN was sitting at the table, eating waffles. "You didn't fix me any, jerk." I say, smirking unde as he looks at me. "Yeah yeah. We didn't have any left. I you weren't such a pig." He states, laughing to himself. "I'm not a pig! I just get really hungry!" With that I pull out a jug of milk, chugging it down. "Anyways." I say as I swallow the milk,"where's slendy? I think I found him a new proxy." I look at him, giving him a serious look. "Last time I see him was when he went to the meeting with eyeless jack, said there were breaks in some of the security systems up in the south district," Ben stated, stuffing his mouth. I take a last sip of the milk before speaking,"How long ago was that?"

"Eh, about four hours ago."

As if on time, Slenderman appears on the other side of the table, across from Ben.

"How are you two today?"Slender said in each of our heads, considering he has no way of speaking out loud.

"Gr-" Ben goes to speak but I interrupt, "Slender, I think I have another member to add with us."

"Really now.. and is he good at killing?" He sound slightly intrigued.

"It's a girl," I say slightly defensive against the assumption.

"A girl? Jeffrey, we can't accept every girl you pick up off the streets. We have to have restrictions."

I act a bit irritated, speaking out of agitation, "Well you sure didn't hesitate when it was a guy, and she's a fighter. She would fit with us, just, please, give me a chance to show you!"

With a slight groan, slender agrees and let me lead him to where I kept lizzy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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