The hunter's begining

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It was ten in the evening and I was watching the White's house, I was parked outside across from them in my 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle. It is cherry red and so obvious but I can't seem to change the color. It's so sexy and I love it so much. It was dark and quiet I'm on a case catching a couple of vampires. It's not the first time; I've become a pro at catching them. I took a couple of nests out too back in Colorado. I easily got good at this hunting thing, back in Texas I met a couple hunters like myself and they taught me a bunch of stuff. I could call myself a pro but I know there are others out there and I'm sure I come off as a noob.

I sighed as nothing happened and I was getting tired. I hadn't slept for two days now, I'm used to this. I downed my Red Bull as I suddenly heard a loud bang and a high pitched scream. I rushed out of my car and towards the house. The door was locked so I busted it open and rushed inside. Before I have injured myself I saw the women be thrown across the room before I entered.

"Hey! Jackass!" I yelled as I took my shot using a bow and arrow laced with dead man's blood, got him just where I needed him. He dropped to his knees and tried to pull out the arrow. I rushed over and grabbed his arm and knocked him out cold. The lady stared at me in fear.

"Who the hell are you?" She cried in fear.

"No one. Forget this ever happened." I say as I pick up the vampire and walk out. Now I'm normally much stealthier than that but I had to be quick. I knew she wasn't going to make it if I took my time. I popped my trunk and tossed him in and shut it tight, driving off I headed to an old abandoned barn miles away from the town. He was still knocked out as I tied him up in chains and dosed him with more dead man's blood. I grabbed a chair and began to sharpen my blade; it would be a while before he woke up.

An hour later I had gotten a few knives sharpened and heard a low groan. I grabbed my syringe and walked up to him.

"Where the hell am I?" I hear the vampire groan.

"Hi, name's Riley. I'm going to kill you unless you tell me where your leader is, and if you do I might let you live and maybe we can agree on something but if you don't, your family will be wondering where you went, and why you didn't wait?" I smirk as I lift his chin up so he can look at me.

"Go fuck yourself, bitch!" he spits out shooting blood on me.

"Ooh, wrong answer, try again." I stab him in the arm injecting him with a dead man's blood.

He cries out as he tries to fight me, the chains rattle as he screams grows. I back up so I'm not at risk of being grabbed.

"Would you like to tell me this time?" I ask as I get ready for the next injection.

"Okay! Okay..." he pants as he whimpers.

"Wow, much quicker than I'd imagine." I sit back on my heels as I watch him.

"They're at an unfinished house in the suburbs of the town." He pants out. He spits and growls as I know it's hurting him.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I yell at him.

"Because you're a crazy bitch and I'll know you'll inject me again if I lie!" he spits back. I chuckle to myself as he knows he's right. "You wouldn't be laughing if you were in my position! This shit hurts!"

"You're right, I don't know, I've never been a vampire," I smirk and jab the needle in his arm and inject the rest of the dose into him, he screams a blood-curdling scream and passes out.

The next day we end up just where he told me the hideout would be. I parked in front of the house; I stared at it for a long while. It seemed accurate. I'd kill him regardless and then continue to find the leader and kill him. I had my system for killing vampires and it hasn't seemed to fail me yet. I sighed and took the keys out of the ignition and went to the trunk and popped it open. He lied there looking up at me as he was tied up and had duct tape over his mouth.

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