New students

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O-OMG yes Logan
Logan and Olivia kissed
Logan's POV
I finally asked Olivia to be my girlfriend I'm really happy when we were done with are date I dropped Olivia of at her house and I went home and I saw Boze waiting there
B-do what happened
L-well I asked Olivia to be my gf
B-omg Logan is growing up
L-haha shut up I'm so happy
B-well at least ur happy
L-alright gn
*next day*
Liza's POV
Man I'm so nervous about my first day at a new school. I'm nervous because I act like a child for some reason and I hope I can find some friends that are weird like me
*at school*
When I got to school I saw two girls acting weird so I went up to them
Liza-hi I'm Liza koshy I'm new here
B-hi I'm Boze
O-and I'm Olivia
B-come on I'll show you around
O-well see you later Boze and Liza
Li-I need to get my schedule
Li-ok I'm back
B-ok can I see it really quick
*gives it to Boze*
B-we have all of our classes together
*Damien comes over*
D-what's up babe
B-nothing oh this is Liza
D-hey oh ya I got a new friend he's also new here
Da-hi I'm David Dobrik
David's POV
Yes I made my first friend here when we went up to his gf and I saw the most beautiful girl in the world
Li-hi I'm Liza koshy
Da-hi you a beautiful name
Da-I can see you blushing
Li-oh uh sorry
Da-don't be sorry it's cute
Li-*blushes harder*

Liza's POV
Is it just me or is David really cute I think I have a crush on him what if he doesn't feel the same
B-ok I think we should go to class Liza see you later babe
Boze's POV
When I saw Liza blushing it was obvious that she liked him it was so cute but we had to go to class
*skip time*
It was finally lunch time and I finally got to see Damien I missed him all day
D-hey Bo-

Before he could finished I kissed

D-wow someone missed me
D-well Let's get our lunch I'm hungry
B-of course

David's POV
I want to ask Liza on a date but I'm to scared to ask her I need advise let me ask Damien

Da-hey Damien


Da-can I ask you something


Da-how do I ask a girl out

D-just be your self


D-your welcome

*end of school*

Da-hey Liza


Da-would you go on a date with me


Why is liza going to say cliffhanger I'm so evil sorry I didn't post another chapter yesterday we were at my brothers  b-day party and my phone was about to die too so bye guys😃

Boze x Damien in highschoolWhere stories live. Discover now