Storm Clouds

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Rain pattered gently against expansive glass windows of the lobby. The gentle patter of water sprites, racing each other to the ground... at least that's what Katcha liked to think of them as. They sat in grey dawn half-light, safely protected from the weather and outside world by the layer of glass. sure there were things to do outside Silverton mental institute... but they could wait till a clear day. Angry grey clouds hung thick in the air.

Adjusting their position slightly they slide their bookmark into place letting out a contented sigh. It was a good time to take a break after all having reached a lull in the story as characters gathered supplies for their quest.... besides it was almost medicine time and Katcha didn't want to lose out on her days out on the town, a common punishment for those who don't take their medicine.

Standing up slowly with the slightest of smiles Katcha slowly began walking back through the lobby, leaving a small pile of books tucked just behind a large decorative pot plant that sat in the corner of the spacious white room. This was their favorite time of day. They moved onward deeper into the mental institute with a stilted shuffling walk, almost a waddle some might say. Sure it was far from elegant... but Katcha didn't care. They were happy. Moving softly in the half-light, knee-high socks muffling the sound of their footsteps. It wouldn't be long till they reached their room.

"Good morning Katcha. You're up early as usual" that was Sue. One of the night staff. "w-why of course... But its almost medicine time so wanted to ge-get there on time" Katcha responded softly "See you around"

Katcha got on well with Sue. Sure all the staff were friendly... but Sue was extra friendly... in a real genuine way. Katcha knew Sue meant what she said and they liked that about her. Opening the door to their room they smiled, waddling slowly over to the bed as the footsteps and slight squeaking from the medicine trolley made its way to Katcha's room.

"good morning Katcha, " the medicine's officer said warmly, handing across the small plastic cup full of pills, smiling as Katcha downed the content before taking a sip from their bottle
"Oh, one more quick thing... now I know you don't like it but I promise its for your own good" he said quickly pulling out a bottle and pouring a dose into a measuring cup "bottoms up" he said. Katcha did as they were told and obediently polished off the medicine before rinsing the foul taste from their mouth with a second mouthful of water.

"You really are one of my favorite people in the mornings. So obedient~ I wish everyone could be like you" he said giving a quick wave before hurrying off to the next room to leave Katcha alone with their thoughts. There was a reason they liked the half-light. It was a break. A break from the hustle and bustle of the institute. A break from group work and therapy. Mostly it was the rare times they felt free, It was a break from the chemical's that subdued their mind, the effects they could already feel slowly seeping in... Clouding their mind like the angry storm clouds outside.

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