Zodiacal Engineering

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Be the transit you want in the world now!

Bad transits are the matter of the past.

Change your horoscope for the best!

Materialize whatever you wish for in minutes

with the Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, {www.lulu.com/astrology}. Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.


Astrology from the skies around us

Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. {http://www.lulu.com/astrology}

Whoever told you that the zodiac had thirteen constellations only, never saw one{i}.

Moreover, whoever told you that the zodiac had even less constellations than thirteen was a simpleton as misinformed by people who never explored any zodiac at all. In fact, it never occurred to any alleged zodiacal expert to explore the zodiac in the first place.


Most people probably think that there is nothing to explore at all as concern any zodiac, but this is just what people think{1}, not at all the truth of it all. Nowadays the zodiac represents a system by far more complex and ordered than any of the primitive models of the uncivilized: it stands for a full-scale initiation in the mysteries.


The zodiac, being a complex creation{2}, requires a licensed engineer{3} in order to operate properly{4}. Zodiacal operations may be compared to playing a violin: we are talking of extremely complex, refined as well as technically exhausting matters, in other words, astrology.


Nowadays people are bombarded by random disinformation for which they have no time{5}, will or energy to sort and tell apart for their own benefit. A “bombarded” being is subject to spam as victim of disinformation overflow. In a world where everybody “informs”, there is confusion about authority. Our proposal is simple: NASA as zodiacal authority and Ramakrishna lineage as concern personal transformation. Both NASA and Vivekananda have a strong positive impact on the U.S.A. and the world. Authority serves as best reference in the world of solar system dynamics as well as in the world of the soul. Truly know yourself in order to design and redesign the events in your life at best. Find your place under your true natal Sun in order to create the events in your life at will! Your place under your true natal Sun opens for the enjoyment of your original natal destiny as your elastic fate offers itself as willing to change under the positive spell of personal reality rendering and the Academic Zodiac.


Why suffer a bad transit when you can have a good one instead? Get down to having your own way with the RTRRT and let the Academic Zodiac take care of the rest!


The RTRRT are your portable daily miracle maker. What can you do with the RTRRT?

1. Create prosperity.

2. Create favorable circumstances in minutes.

3. Change your horoscope for the best.

4. Find and keep the love of your life.

5. Gain at the casino or receive money by sheer surprise.

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