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"Daniel, what happened to your neck?" Zoe said with a worried tone, pointing at Daniel's neck where there was a huge bandage. Daniel scratches his cheek, "A cat scratch my neck when I was petting it," He said as he looked at Jay, but Jay looked away with a blushed face remembering what he did to Daniel. Daniel knows his secret, a secret that changes his life in the future.

- - - -

Daniel was jogging in the night, it was his day off from work. He wasn't able to sleep at all. Going for jogging may help him to become sleepy than before. As Daniel turned the corner, he has a long way to go. He noticed a familiar presence halfway of the block.

It was Jay, he was breathing heavily and sweating a lot. Daniel runs towards him. Daniel wiped Jay's sweat with his sleeves, his eyes were shaking uncontrollably. Daniel lift Jay's head facing him. "What's wrong?" He asked. No reply. He asked the question once again. "Hungry..." Jay whispered, his fangs now revealed. Daniel's eyes widened and felt his lips dried up, he gulped. Is this the reason why he never talks? That he's a vampire.

Jay pinned Daniel to the wall, his hands gripped onto his. Jay leaned in, inhaling Daniel's sweet scent. He slowly licked his smooth neck, tasted as vanilla. He couldn't help himself anymore, he bit his neck softly, earning a moan from Daniel. Blood dripped down the neck to his white shirt, Jay licked the blood to his collarbone.

Jay set Daniel's hands-free and started to unbutton Daniel's shirt, he kissed his exposed chest. Daniel felt embarrassed that he was being touched by Jay in public and he couldn't do anything to stop him, his body is sensitive that Jay's touch brings chills to his spine. He covered his mouth preventing his moans to come out.

Daniel started to drool from the pleasure, he never felt something like this in his life. Jay wiped his drool from the corner of his mouth. Daniel was feeling pain from his pants, Jay noticed it, his hand trailed down to his tight pants and unzipped his pants.

"Please Stop," Daniel begged, Jay lay his head on Daniel's chest, he could his heart beating faster than a speeding bullet. He couldn't force Daniel into this type of things. He let go of Daniel, he's embarrassed for what he has done. Daniel just stood there and staring at Jay.

Jay didn't bother to stare back at him, he got himself together and left Daniel there, half naked.

- (I can't write any more dirty stuff >////< -

The whole week, Jay ignores him. Anytime that Daniel tried to talk to Jay, he would make an excuse and leave immediately. Daniel had enough and confronted Jay.

What he didn't know was that if he confronted Jay, he's going to be his for a while to play around with and for his sweet blood.

- - - -

Another Daniel x Jay story.

First time writing stuff like this >///<

Sorry if this was cringy, I know for me it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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