Chapter 2- it's a date

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As i looked up and saw this mysterious mans face, i studied each of his charming features. His dark smooth skin, with his beautiful hazel eyes, and those nice full lips. Oh how i just felt the urge to step up on my tippy toes and kiss them.
I needed to break the awkward stare, so I managed to get out my first words while i stepped back out if his grip. "Oh, hi. Are you.." but before I could finish my question her gave me a slight grin and a small smile. "Yes. Let's get a seat shall we?" He replied back as he took my hand and rushed to the outside tables to sit me down. I folded my hands and kept my head down at the table. "so, how'd you get my number?", i shyly asked. I heard his deep voice let off a low chuckle. "I have my ways,  but its okay. Don't be afraid." I sighed as i lifted my head, feeling my stomach drop at the sight of his features. I gave a slow reply, "well okay. Um, can we start off with a name?". He let off that same exact chuckle at my question. We made complete eye contact and i scrunched my nose up at him, feeling relief as i began to feel more comfortable with his presence.. "my name doesn't matter, Janet.. i want to show you some of my work after you eat, or drink, whatever you're longing for." He went on and on about his music work he'd like to show me. My mind scattered from each place. I was under some spell as my eyes stared deep into his.
I thought: How could i be so into someone I don't even know? How much worse could this get? Its lust! I never dreamed of feeling such strong ways towards someone just because of how they look...
I shook my head a bit to get out of my gaze. I smiled softly then nodded. "I'm not hungry or thirsty. You can show me what you've been working on..." i replied, not knowing anything he had been saying before.
He caught on though. He stood up from his seat and took ahold of my hand, leading us out of the shop.
I looked around for my guards, giving them a 'okay' sign with my fingers after i spotted them.
About 45 minutes later.
The car ride was long and quiet. All we did was glance at each other a few times.. it was extremely awkward.
When we got inside i looked around his place. I saw a picture of him with some girl on the wall. My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as i examined the other photos around the house.
Could he be married? That cant be his wife.. she's... she's not attractive. But him, he's flawless...
Before I could get any words out from my lips, i got thrown off by his touch. His arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I soon began to feel my feet take off from the ground.
    "What are you doing?! Let me go!". I yelled out, but he just ignored everything I said..
I knew this was a bad idea. How could I be so stupid? I barely knew him! And here I am, in his house...
The next morning
[narration- 3rd person]
Janet woke up in a bed. She looked down at herself seeing her bare skin. The sight of her nude body caused her to let out a sharp gasp as she pulled the covers over her head. "Hello?", she softly called out with confusion.. she couldn't remember anything. The room was very familiar though, like she's been there before. She slid out from the bed and fetched her undergarments from the floor where they laid. After she put those on she found her clothes, putting them back on as well. She began to wonder around the room, looking for a door to lead out. Once she found it, she walked out, realizing she was in a recording room. One more look around and she saw the mans face. Everything started coming together now!
She got startled by the mans deep smooth voice, "hey, you. Good morning." Janet could hear anything but her heavy panting from nervousness.. she began to stutter in response to him. "W-where am i? Is this my... your... who are you?"
Finally, he gave her his name. "I never did give you my name, huh? Its Kent." He replied. Janet for some reason starting gaining her memory back. She was confused, like his name caused her to remember. She stepped over towards him cautiously, looking at all the buttons of the sound board. She looked up at him, still be amazed by his face. "Uh, why was i- ", but before she could finish, he cut her off. "Oh, we didn't do anything, i promise.. you were trying though." She shook her head as if she didn't hear him correctly. She didn't ask anything about it because that memory slowly started forming the more and more she looked at his face.
Janet saw now how Kent was and what kind of man he is. She turned her face down to look at her hands as she softly bit into her bottom lip; the thought of him and his gentleman act was slightly turning her on. Janet wanted, needed, to change the subject, so why not ask about the reason she was really there. "So, would you like to show me your work now?" She softly spoke. "Oh, yes. Let me show you real quick so you can give me some feedback, and then ill let you go." He said as he started to get to the track of music he made. Kent grabbed a pair of headphones and turned to face janet. He pushes her hair behind her ears then carefully put the headphones on her head. Janet stood still the whole time, getting chills from his hands. After he pressed play on the track, Janet's face turned into a smile as she stared straight into the glass of the booth, glancing over at hi occasionally. Her head started to move back and forth slightly until the track ended. She slid the headphones off and set them down on the stand. "That was actually really good.. you have some talent. Big talent" she exclaimed. Kent's lips formed a small grin at her statement. He then nodded in respect. "Why thank you.. that means a lot from you." Janet stared at him for a good while, debating if she should go with reality or her desire. She took a deep breath then stood up to her tippy toes, grabbing onto his face. Her lips connected with his. Kents arms immediately wrapped around her waist as he began to kiss her back, intensifying the depth. Janet got thrown off by his tongue entering inside her mouth. She kept her eyes shut and took his tongue, pulling back a little to suck on it. Kent ended up ending the kiss, licking his lips off after. "Uh, you ready?" He asked. Janets heart sunk into her stomach, gaining thoughts of embarrassment. Did he not want that? Now i look like some hoe, throwing myself on him..
She thought about the pictures, sighing because she hadn't even thought about that before she kissed him. She gave him a nod then backed away, making her way upstairs. Kent ran up after her as his eyebrows furrowed. Once they got out into the car, once again, the ride was silent. Janet kept her eyes out the window, thinking all about her visit. Kent on the other hand, he was feeling some sort of way, noticing Janet's vibe. He knew he messed up. She's what he wanted, but he also wanted to stay respectful from the great care he had for her...
Once he arrived to Janets place he got out of the car to walk her up to the front door. "Janet.." he said before she walked inside. Then he finished after getting her attention. "I had fun, even though you slept most the time. This was a fun... uh, date." He ended off his sentence with a smile. Janet smiled back uncontrollably. "I had fun too. Thank you, Kent." She stepped inside then shut the door and locked it. She leaned back against the door, sliding down to sit on the floor. More thoughts raced through her mind.
Why didn't i mention those pictures? Maybe he likes me a little bit.. I didn't see a ring. I didn't see any woman's items there... there's no way he has someone... oh my goodness, how can i even be this obsessed with him! We just met.

Give me stars and feedback. Suggestions on how i could tell the story too... I'm not going to do a narrator anymore. Just from Janet's POV.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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