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Sorry for the late update. I was quiet busy lately.


Right after lunch, the men gathered in the living room to fix the wedding date. Yusuf Othman wanted Nikâh to be done as soon as possible and even Haider Ahmed wished the same. And so it was decided, fifteen days from that day, was Nikâh and the Rukhsati was after a month, that is, one week after Areesha's wedding. When everyone agreed to it, Yusuf Othman telephoned Zeeshan to ask for his opinion. His son, as expected, obediently nodded at his father's decision. Yusuf Othman proudly announced his son's approval and the hall erupted with laughter and greetings. Everyone seemed so happy and cheerful at the moment, except Aariz. He was not happy about anything right then. He didn't like how Yusuf Othman was rushing up and how everything was finalized in the absence of Zeeshan. Aariz was sure he heard hesitation in his voice. He heard how uncertain he was with his answer. Nobody noticed it but he did and he was not to take things like this lightly, as long as it concerned the ones he loved. And Aariz was that kind of person who are very possessive about their family. It was another thing that he never showed how much he cared or admitted it verbally to anyone ever in his life. He always made it seem like he never cared but he always did.

Zeeshan and Aariz were not the only ones who were uncertain about the whole thing. Laiba, too was, feeling something comparable of the sort. The truth she just learned, turned out to be way too difficult for her to digest. How her life turned upside down in less than an hour was beyond her understanding and if she wanted the best for her, she needed to sort things out before it was too late. For that, she needed time, she needed some space but fate was as usually being hard on her. How she survived lunch was something only Allah and she knew and to add cherry on the top, the congratulatory ceremony had to be held the same day.

In the evening, Mrs.Yusuf Othman, Zara Othman and the girls brought some ladies from neighborhood and family with them to the Ahmed Residence. The ceremony took place in the drawing room where Laiba's in-laws presented some gifts to her as per the ritual. Laiba sat absentmindedly in a single sofa, clad in a beautiful peach colour designer kaftan from Sarah's boutique and with a very large cream colour ciffon dupatta on her head, the delicate stones of which, twinkling against the lights. The guests were all dazed by her beauty and couldn't stop reminding the Othmans how lucky they were. On the other hand, Laiba hated being the center of attention as the ladies, she didn't even know the name of, came up to her and tried socializing with her. Everyone were so completely oblivious to the inner turmoil she was going through as they congratulated her, praised her beauty, blessed her, kissed her, handed her boutiques, choclates and sweets. All the while, Laiba forced a smile and accepted everything with a 'thanks' eventhough, smiling was the last thing she felt like doing at the moment.

When everyone was done with the ritual of handing the bride-to-be gifts and the flowers, Laiba brought Sarah away from the crowd, to a corner in the hall where no one could hear them. "Sarah, I don't think I can bear this headache anymore. I need to rest, would you cover up for me?" She beseeched in a strained voice which actually conveyed how exhausted she was.

Sarah cupped her cheeks, "I already told you to go. Looking at your dull face, everyone were asking me to take you to the room and let you rest. It was you who refused to do so." She pointed out.

Laiba pursed her lips, "I thought I would handle it. Now I can't. Not anymore." She answered, double entendre, her deep eyes following Aariz as he passed the hall, speaking to someone on the phone.

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