Entering the Devil-Man World

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After watching the movie  which was very exciting and action packed, the movie  night was over and lots of alcohol was in our systems and everyone was too drunk to go anywhere so everyone decided to spend the night at shadow's house. After they fell a mysterious looking man out stood by the door of their home He tries to knock on the door but no one answers, he tries a second time no one answers, His patience  was running on a string so he starts pounding on the door. "ugghh.....I.Im coming!!" Replied shadow as he walked to the door, as he open the door a mysterious hooded man in purple came and asked him and has a evil grin and laughs comes from him "so your shadow flare huh??" the man asked "w-who are you??" shadow asked sleepy and a  lil bit drunk. The man grin and laughed as he caused a shock way to send shadow and his friends to another world "enjoy your time in Hell!" The masked man says as he began to chuckle and then begin to manically laugh as his victims became apart of his game. 

"Ughhh.......I think we had to much to drink.....ow...ow...ow....My head"  Shadow wakes up and sees that they was another world. "wh-what the hell?? where.....where are we??" Shadow asked. As he looked at his surroundings and more importantly his clothes  was like a normal attire but it felt like this was like a anime attire to where we were in High school, The rest of shadows friends woke up, the girls were in a Like a tracksuits, as they saw the uniforms they wondered where the hell could they be. "Uggghh........What Happened??.......Honey where are we?" Nina asked as the migraine came to her head. "I have no idea Nina but we'll figure this out *sniff sniff* something smells off and its not us...........it smells like........blood"  Shadow says with a concerned tone knowing that there was a sign of trouble up ahead.  "say Honey....why are dressed like we are high school again? and where in the hell are we?!" Nina asked her husband Shadow. Shadow had no freaking idea where were but all he knew was that something was up. So the gang walked and found a high school  with a lot of other people outside,  a couple of people were running on the track and field, others were sitting on the bench.   "hmm looks like that they are outside running on the track,   maybe we should check it out" Keeva  says as she heads to the track and field.  they sigh as they walked to the track. "whoa check them out.....who's the new guys??" one student says "wow look at those chicks they are so fucking hot" a male student says checking on Nina, and Keeva their bodies, were  curved and has a golden caramel skin, a nice rac just the perfect the body. "who are those guys they are so cute!"  the female student asked as they stared at Shadow, Joseph, and red. the girls  were swooning in awe and the guys were staring downward on their asses. the bell for the time for the next period came and felt something  in their pockets and it was a piece of paper, it was a schedule of the class they were on the paper. "looks like that we are in the same class guys,  lets do our best for the first day." red said enthusiastically. Nina and Shadow is happy to know that being the ultimate high school couple,  as they hold hands.  "good morning everyone before we get started on today's class we have four new students who will be joining us today, make sure to give them your best impression. One at a time if you would please." the male teacher says. first one up was  Redah he walked into the  classroom and bow down and also has a smile on his face "Hi my name's redah its nice to meet you all" red greeted himself  to the classroom and he found a sit to the left corner which was closer to the door, the next one was joseph "Sup names joseph pleased to be here" he says with a happy tone but with a grin on his face. Next up was Keeva as she walked in all the boys stared at her DD breasts "its a pleasure to meet you all names Keeva i hope we can be good friends" she says the and sits next to red and as for joseph he sat two desk behind keeva. Next up was Nina dasher and when the guys saw keeva and nina they were both goddesses the sexiest babes in the school. "Holy shit!" one of the male students said as they caught a glimpse of nina in her uniform, of course she had button down a little bit of her shirt to show her cleavage but it was enough to get their attention. "hello Im Nina Dasher its nice to meet you all and i Hope we can be good friends" Nina Says in a friendly matter. Last person to come in was Shadow flare. as he entered the room the guys may have felt a little hint of fear into their minds but when they say Shadow you can say that he was like a god to them the perfect look, the hair, the red and blue eyes and the physique it was perfect. Shadow Flare bowed down first "its a pleasure to meet you all, you can call me shadow flare. its nice to meet all of you" a cute smile is on shadow's face as the girls blushed at him including to his friends we all sat next to each other, learning something about Math, which was not my strongest subject, Nina was a genius in math including Keeva. after math class it was time for lunch a couple of girls went to red and joseph asking if they can sit next to them during lunch period they both nodded and smiled as for nina she went to grab shadows arm and walked with to the cafeteria. everything was going really good until shadow found a kid on the ground weak as ever like a nerd weakling bullies were picking on him so shadow decided to go help the kid "hey why don't you go pick on someone your own size?!" shadow says to the bully "oh and what are you going to do huh new kid?" the bully snorted and pushed shadow flare as the kid ran off escaping the bullies wrath. Red grabs one of his friend on his shoulder and the bully turns around and sees red with a dark red glow in his eyes and with a smirk on red's face "i suggest of leaving my friend alone if you know what's  good for you" red said to the bullies and the girls  swoon  from the fact that red scare the  bullies off. "OOOHH~~" the girls say and then start  hugging on his and joseph's  arms and smile. "well then it looks like joseph and red are gonna have some fun with the girls. heh" shadow says with a smirk on his face.  nina giggled as they sat and ate their lunch and then sees a boy, looks like a he's from a punk band but he is tall and the girls seem to like him. but it didn't mind us.  "say whos the new guys?" He asked his friend  ryo "hmm.....i don't know maybe we should stay away from them they can be dangerous akira" Ryo says "aw c'mon they can be good people you never know, im gonna go say hi to them." Akira says as he approach them "h-hey my name's Akira its nice to meet you" he says to nina. "Hello my names Nina dasher and over there is my husband Shadow flare, and my bestie Keeva." Nina says with a smile and the fact that he heard her say husband left him shocked but happy. "say I was wondering if you would like to come with us shadow?" "come to where? it better not be anywhere that weird or messed up" Shadow says with concern but at the same time curious about  the location.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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