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Hey you there! Welcome to Petrichor!

Oh my fellow adventurer, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you into my humble abode. Mi casa es su casa :).

It is with great pain that I say this, the graphics book that was previously before this was regrettably deleted by my older brother and now I have to make a new one. I was contemplating whether or not I should but after mulling it over I decided I would, and so the journey begins....again.

Graphics I have made previously and posted in the previous graphics book will be reposted here for content sake.

As I have said so many times before for all of who know me, I spend a great deal of time investing my time into making these graphics and would appreciate it if you take great care to your words when speaking about them. I will listen to constructive criticism but I am not a fan of bitchiness and I will not tolerate disrespect. Do heed my warnings or I swear to God I hem.

Okay onto brighter topics. I'm so ecstatic that you, oh awesome adventurer, have decided to take part in this quest of requesting a graphic. I am truly honored.

Now enough with me babbling about. Spin to the next chapter and find out just how you will be able to request a graphic from me.

NB: I only make book covers, manipulations and sometimes banners and book jackets. Premades will also be available to you.

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