Ch. 1

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Narrator's POV

A little boy by the name of Jay is playing in the yard with his best friend Lola. Jay and Lola ran through the grass giggling and laughing. They were really close friends. They loved to roll down hills, play, and sing. They always been together, neither of one em of been thinking of leaving eachother's side. Whenever Lola hugged Jay they would both blush and get shy around eachother afterwards.

One night Lola had spent the night at Jay's house because her parents were out of town. While Jay and his family were sleeping, Lola was awake she couldn't sleep without her bear. Lola closed her eyes and tried to sleep. When she did sleep, she then woke up to a gun shots coming from Jay's parents room. She then woke up Jay and told him to go under the bed, as well as she did. Jay started shaking and wondering if his parents and siblings were ok.  Jay and Lola had heard screaming and crying, coming from Jay's sibling's rooms and then 10 gunshots had been heard. Foot steps were coming towards, Jay's room. Jay had hugged Lola tightly and Lola done the same to Jay. They were both scared, tears began to run down their cheeks. Jay and Lola then saw feet walking around Jay's room.  Jay and Lola stayed as quiet as possible. Then sirens had went off and there was now blue and red light flashing from outside. Moments later, cops had came and looked around the house and they found Jay and Lola under the bed. Jay had ran into his parents room and he then screamed and cried as he saw his parents dead on the ground. Jay then ran into his Sibling's rooms and then fell to the ground. Lola ran to Jay and hugged him. A police officer picked up both kids and brough em both outside.

That night changed Jay...

Jay had been taken to a Foster home, 2 weeks later because none of his family members would take him in. So that meant Lola and Jay were now seperated. Lola was sent away to her new master, her parents gave away too since they could no longer take care of her. Lola and Jay lives have changed ever since that night....


I sat down on my bed hugging my knees, I looked around as the other kids played with eachother. I didn't fit in with all the other kids, and I didn't really have any other friends. Lola was my only friend...I miss her alot. I miss my brothers and mom and dad. Tears then began to run down my cheeks, I broke down. All the  other kids gathered around me watching me cry. I then ran to the bathroom and sobbed. I thought to myself, "I have no one else left". I cried more and more, moments later i managed to calm down and went back inside and layed down on my bed. It was snack time, but I wasn't really hungry so I just layed in bed and fell asleep like always.

Well thats the first part of my story I'm so horrible at writing ;-; anyways I hoped you all at least enjoyed have a good morning/afternoon/evening whatever time it may be where you might be at anyways...BYE! ^-^

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