1)Love doesn't destroy

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~Before reading I hope yall like it just a little peek. But I'm serous any copying is not allowed all @copyright belongs to me I don't tolerate someone stealing my work. I will be furious and I ma protected by the law. Any copying will cost you I am not afraid. Just warning you. But other than that enjoy I just earned y'all ~



/ˈhärtˌbrāk/NounThe absolute worst feeling in the entire world. When one is heartbroken they may actually feel such an intense pain they don't even want to live anymore.
Such as when one is in a romantic relationship and it comes to an end or when one has been cheated on. You can not think about anything else but that awful feeling of pain you experience and the hate you feel toward the person who caused it. But also the longin of wanting them back. 
It literally feels like being stabbed in the chest over and over while they twist it repeatedly. 

Melissa POV :

"How could you Justin you played me you used me , what did you expect huh, that I wouldn't find out", I say with a bitter tone while trying not to let the tears fall.

I had actually fallen for him I had and for what it was all a game but he would never know that I was in love with him never.

"You know I didn't, I meant everything I said why can't you believe me"

"Really then what was that huh your actions show other wise and not only that you fucking lied to me, I caught you ITS OVER", by now I really needed to go I felt like suffocating and I couldn't look at him any longer or I would break down.

"No baby no this is not over until I say it is, your mine", he grabs me and pushes me against the wall pressing his body on mine

"You don't want this, you and I both know that", he says looking at me with those intense hazel eyes that look through my soul.

"No Justin it's over I'm done, you can go back to your ways, with your lies, secrets, your cheating not knowing if your ok or not but I won't stick around this time", I push him off me and try walking away but he grabs me by my waist and presses me against him.

"I'm not going to let you go again the first time was a mistake, you are the most important thing in my life and I'm not about to let you go", he says.

"Well then I guess I will because I can no longer be around you".

He spins me around and presses his lips against me kissing me passionately I kiss him back knowing it's wrong but I can't help it when I still love him. I push him off and try running off.

"Let me go Justin please" I plead.

"I'LL NEVER LET YOU GO", he screams.

"Why don't you understand that we aren't meant to be, we are like fire and ice don't you understand" I say frustrated.

"No baby I don't because you know that's not what our heart says what your heart says"

"Your are right" I say turning around looking at him "because I HATE YOU Justin" I shout at him.

But the sight in front of me breaks me his eyes, those eyes he looks at me with so much pain that the tears finally start poring and I see his to.

"WELL I LOVE YOU", he yells at me. I look at him in shock.

" Your lying, stop playing with my heart", I look at him with disbelief.

" No I'm not I love you and I'm going to fight for us because I still believe in us", he says with so much truth and his eyes those eyes also say that.

I look at him and shake my head.

"Love doesn't destroy Justin"

"Believe or not I love you baby and I'm going to fight for us, even if it's the last thing I do. I'm not giving up"

I turn around and start walking letting all the tears fall as much as I wanted to stay I no longer could he had shattered me beyond repair I loved him and still did and I could no longer comprehend why I had been so stupid and naive. After all he had never loved me because when you love you don't destroyed.

"Goodbye Justin "


I had never felt this way toward someone and I loved her I was sorry for my mistakes but I loved her and I wasn't about to let her go I was gonna fight for us no matter what. Remembering those hurtful words It hurt so much but I knew she didn't mean.

"I hate you Justin" she shouts at me while tears stream down her face. Her eyes where what broke me the most they didn't have that shine they usually did and I hated I was the cause of it all but her words felt like I was being stabbed over and over

"Well I love you" I yell at her I couldn't take it any longer I loved her and she was my everything and couldn't lose her not again.

"Your lying stop playing with my heart" she says while looking at me in disbelief. It hurt that she didn't believe me but I couldn't blame her after everything.

"No I'm not I love you and in going to fight for us because I still believe in us", I tell her so sincerely and I meant.

She looks at me and shakes her head

"Love doesn't destroy", she says and her tone and words broke me more.

"Believe or not baby I love you and I'm going to fight for us,even if it's the last thing I do. I'm not giving up".

I wasn't giving up on her and it was better that she got used to the idea,I loved her and I knew she felt the same, I was going to prove it to her because she was mine and no one else. I loved her like I've never loved anyone before. All the memories we shared, the bumpy roads.

No I was going to fix it even if it took 100 years.I was going to get my baby back, No matter what because I still believed in us and I hope she believe in us the way I believe in us.

"Goodbye Justin" I hear her say as she walks away.

"No baby this is not over yet"

And I was sure if it.

This all began 7 months ago


~But before we get into more details it's better to go back to how it all started 7 months ago.

Until next chapter. Vote and read Then I'll update the first chapter currently being written. Hope Y'ALL liked it mind my spelling errors. ~ Belieberyea1123

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