Obligation Can Be a Prison

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"Obligation can be a prison." said Marilla.

Gilbert looked at her for a moment, when she turned to him and said "I'll take my leave. Please reach out to us if you need anything at all."

"Thank you, Miss Cuthbert." Responded Gilbert, a sudden warmth growing in him. Marilla then turned around and walked off, while Gilbert watched her go. Gilbert then turned back to his father's grave and observed it for a while, thinking about what Marilla said.

Obligation Can Be a Prison. Gilbert thought long and hard about that. He felt obligated to stay in Avonlea and felt obligated to stay on his father's farm and work, but's that's not what he wanted to do. He then thought about what his father said before he died; "It's a big world, son." Gilbert needed to leave Avonlea. He didn't want to be stuck here, doing what he was obligated to do. He wanted to see some of the world first. He knew he would eventually come back to Avonlea, but when he was ready. When he was ready to come back and do what he wanted to do.

But what about Anne? Gilbert thought to himself. No, she'll be fine without me, she's her own independent person, and she would understand how I feel, even after her saying what she did at my father's funeral. I just overreacted.

Gilbert went inside his house and started to plan what he was going to do.

A couple of hours later, Gilbert heard a knock at his door. He then opened the door and saw Ruby and Diana, and then Anne behind them. She wasn't making eye contact with him. Ruby then set the dish on the kitchen table and Gilbert took the top off of the dish. It was a shepherd's pie. Ruby and Diana hoped it was a comfort to Gilbert, and they hoped he liked shepherd's pie. Gilbert then shot his eyes over to Anne, who still wasn't making eye contact with him.
Diana and Ruby then said "Anne made the topping, she's a good cook."
Anne's eyes shot up and then said "But. I would make a terrible wife." Gilbert made a weird/confused face. She looked around worryingly and then ran out of the house.
Why would she say that? Gilbert thought to himself. Gilbert then stood up, using the table and said "Umm. Thank you." Then Diana and Ruby left. After they left, Gilbert put the top of the dish back on the pie.

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