The Temple of Corellon

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(Minor backstory time bros. Corellon Larethian is a deity from 4th edition. The image is his symbol.) (I know this isn't usually my thing BUT I LOVE THIS FECKING SHOW.) (italics will be any language aside from common)

"High priest Morran, there is... a creature outside the temple. I believe it is a Fey, but I cannot be sure. It isn't attacking anyone, it's just sitting on the steps." The sound of writing stops as Morran, a high elf with fine sharp features despite his elder status, long black hair, and kind brown eyes rose from his desk. The cleric that was sent for him, Aruwyn, guided him to the front, double doors of the temple, a heavy rain pouring against the stained glass echoing inside. Other members of the temple parted away from the doors as Morran approached, the doors ajar to peak out at the creature.

"How long has it been sitting out there, Aruwyn? Do you know?" The red-headed half-elf shook her head, other members giving estimations as Morran opened the door wider to see the creature better. It stood about ten feet from the door, almost to the steps of the temple. Standing roughly the size of the average man, the creature was bone thin, covered in soaked, ragged fur. The thing that caught Morran's was was the skull atop its long neck, a skull that the Elf priest had never seen before. A slanted snout with many sharp teeth, two pairs of horn sprouting from its head, black eyes of voids with red lights shifting to better look at the stranger in the doorway.

"Are you lost young one? Would you like to come inside for the night?" Despite the long time it had been, Morran was thankful to remember his studies of the Fey language. The creature seemed hesitant, but carefully made its way to the door where Morran stood with several others backing away as they knew their high priest had everything under control. Aruwyn and a few other clerics and paladins stayed to keep an eye of the strange Fey that was being brought inside.

"See that we get some towels to dry our friend here. They'll be staying in one of the patient rooms." The few that were sent off seemed relieved as the intense stare of the creature unsettled them. The creature spoke in a low rumble to Morran, the language unknown to most of members of the temple. Those that understood sylvan, learned that the creature had been abandoned for some time and this temple was the only place they could find shelter from the storm.

"You are welcome to stay here either until to storm passes or under an oath of devotion." Having been cleaned and fed, the creature was willing to do anything to repay such mercy on their life. In the morning, all members gathered to the main chamber where Morran stood with the Fey being from the night previously.

"My fellow worshippers, this creature has agreed to served under our god and guard our temple. The great god, Corellon, welcomes you, my friend. You will begin to learn our ways, our language, and our faith. We shall give you a name, yes?" The creature nodded, it's cleaned fur glowing reddish-brown in the bits of clear glass in the windows. The name did not come easily, despite how fast the Fey was picking up Common and Elvish, even learning basic Celestial by their third year at the temple. The strength that had left it from being malnourished had returned and grown from then, it's curiosity growing as well. It was still many years before a name finally stuck


"How about, Aralenn? No, then Daehara? Too much, then Tramaer! Ack, you're making this too hard, skull-head! Calling you by rude names is making everyone feel bad... Wait, what about Celestial names? We haven't thought of that!" Aruwyn, having grown close to the Fey as time passed, raced off to the library with the now towering, built figure of the once young Fey creature. Pulling a few books from a shelf, Aruwyn sat down while the creature sat on the floor, it's hide clothing worn from use and fending off wild creatures that come across the temple. After a few names thrown about, the cleric shuts the books and leans back with a heavy groan, glaring at the sympathetic look she was receiving.

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