Song and Dance

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Finding civilization was easy, a small Dwarf-heavy town with a bustling market and many cultures blending into one. Finding a place to hide, was the harder part with Redwood's long and lanky form, standing taller than most humans and some half-orcs they encountered. Crooning for coin was the hardest, many citizens more likely to throw rocks at the Fey beast than throw a meager copper for a starving street performer.

"Best of ye get sometin' tah cover that face of yours. Hard to croon if people see yah ugly mug." After meeting the blunt but kind-hearted barkeep, Redwood pieced together a large, heavy cloak that covered most of their form, playing in the shadows of alleyways. Like moths to flame, children and foolish young people followed the music, throwing what coin they had to gawk and hear the nightmarish beast play. Some of the children would dance to the more catchy pub songs Redwood had learned by ear, the very poor and youngest would drop flowers or small colorful stones. Little drop offs of fruit or a bread roll from the rare adult or a parent whose child had beg them enough, the parental protectiveness often has Redwood as a victim to mothers' wrath or giving some of their earnings to urchins that they would come across.


"Have you heard of the dwarf singer? She sounds like angel!"

"Ach, damn urchin brats, they're willing to do anything to make some coin. Bet'cha she made a deal with that demon down the road. The one that lures children to eat them." The younger, half-elven man huffed, figuring out that the opinion of urchins and street performers wasn't going to change with his traveling circus coming to town. Gustav Fletching, ring leader and founder of the Fletching and Moondrop Traveling Carnival of Curiosities, had spent a good part of the day hearing of a 'demon' that plays music for the children, most of the things he's heard where from the older folk and some crownsguard. He hadn't been able to ask some the women or children about the creature, as Gustav moved on and handed out some fliers to a young couple, a group of dirty, poorly dressed children ran past him.

"C'mon guys! Red should be playin' soon. Toya you should sing with 'im!" The Dwarfish girl struggling to keep up with, nodded as her messy blonde hair bounced with every step. It was the same girl that Gustav had spoken to that elder fellow about, rushing past the three adults. The ringleader turned to the young couple, the two looking after the group with sympathetic eyes, confirming that the influence of the past generation was not so strong as it was in some towns.

"What do you two know about the supposed 'demon' that those children are eager to watch play?" With some convincing, Gustav learned that the creature had been playing in the town for years, the couple's parents had been children when it showed up. They remembered that the creature was strangely docile but protective of the children that lived in the streets, occasionally getting in trouble when someone would raise a hand to a child when it was around.

"Redwood is what he's been called, Red for short. He's a very talented musician despite what many think, even some the crownsguard enjoy the pleasant songs Red brings. Nobody but the old folk can claim they hate him. He's become an attraction almost, 'The Red String' I believe is the name that's been floating about." Gustav thanked the couple and sped off in the direction where he could hear children laughing and singing, Toya's resounding above theirs with some drum beats and a string instrument being played. Rounding the corner, he witnessed a scene that he's never truly seen in the Empire. The kids were all smiling, dancing with each other not bothered by who their dance partner was, just as long as they were dancing. Toya was set up on a box, a smile glowing from the grim smeared on her face, her voice mature was odd for her obvious youth, her eyes occasionally glancing into the alleyway that everyone was gathered at.

"And my heart remains with... That galway shawl!" A harmonious voice echoed from the shadows as the song ended. A few adults tossing some silver and copper into a rusty pail as the kids bowed and drank up the attention. A large, fur covered paw reached out and ruffled Toya's hair, a rumbling chuckle as some of the kids tolds jokes or show the shadowed figure different items. As Gustav got closer, he saw why the old folk called the creature a demon, the cracked and slightly yellowed skull was well hidden by the tattered cloak but piercing red eyes that didn't blink scanned over the crowd. It towered the children, and probably towered over Bosun and Yasha.

"Do ya 'ave a request, sir? Anytin' special?" The oldest of the kids, a dark skinned boy nearing his mid-teens with dark brown, wiry curls that were pulled back by a thick cord of leather. He was as thin as the rest of them, but stood tall as he asked Gustav once more. The ringleader asked for a song that he figured no one would know, one from the Elvish musicians of far away, the had paused for a moment then started to play, the song for Gustav's youth filling his ears. Toya didn't know the song so she and the other kids sat outside the alleyway, one of the youngest tugging at the large cloak before crawling up into the shadow's lap as the song slowly came to a close.

"It's difficult to play with you in my lap, Denalia child." The sound of buckles jingling and the closing of a case was nearly drowned by the groans of the kids, the show over apparently. Gustav and Toya were the only ones left as the children divided up the money, the beast remaining in the shadows until the last kid scrambled away before some adult the accused them of conspiring.

"What's your business here, sir? The show is over until the evening." The creature stood at its full height, crouching briefly to pick up Toya. Matted, dark brown fur cover the creature's form as it stepped into the midday sun to lean close to Gustav. Up close, the half-elf could smell a mix of herbs and mead, a sweet mixture from what he thought would be rubbish and stale ale.

"My name is Gustav Fletching, I am the founder and ringleader of The Fetching and Moondrop Traveling Carnival of Curiosities. The two of you are quite the interesting pair, something that hasn't been seen outside this town. Song and string of an unlikely pair, a dark fey and a dwarven angel." The Half-elf's words brought a blush to Toya's cheeks, Redwood's stare hardening as they realized what that meant.

"I will not leave these children behind, they will perish without me." An underlying snarl rumbled through the beast's chests they spoke, Gustav instinctively backing up then stepped forward as he remember where the circus's next destination was.

"Our next location has several orphanages with good reputations. Its only a two day walk, and we have enough to get them there. They will be better off if they good to those places." With Toya's face full of hope, Redwood sighed a held a hand out to the half-elf. Gustav's small hand was engulfed by the pawed, clawed hand as he was pulled roughly forward, engulfed by the shadow of Redwood's figure and presence.

"Lie to me, Half-elf, and you will die."

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