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A woman performs all the duties of a man but a man cannot do all that a woman can do.

A woman is an epitome of beauty, wisdom and care. She has climbed the mountains and dived into the ocean; she has matched the steps with every man in the world.

International Women's Day is annually held on March 8 to celebrate women's achievements throughout history and across nations. It is also known as the United Nations (UN) Day for Women's Rights and International Peace

Women plays many roles in our life ,from being a daughter to mother from being wife to sister. she's one of the most important person in all our life . But does she get all the respect she deserves? Importance that she's worthy of?

we all know the answer to this, don't we?

Celebrating Woman is a way of feeling gratitude to the each and every woman in one's life, be it in the professional or the personal life
In most of the country the day has been observed as a national holiday. Women from various cultural and ethnic groups come together crossing all the boundaries to remember their struggle of many decade for peace, justice, equality and development. The day allows women to raise her voice for an equal opportunity in whatever field she wants to participate in; same a man is provided with.

International women's Day all about feeling women realize their worth and giving them boost to achieve as per their actual potential. On this day the world unites to appreciate their courage to cross all the hurdles and make such tremendous improvement in all most all the spheres of life. Besides that, it is the most important thing to be given emphasis is the work that still needs to be done to fill that gap completely that had existed from ages.

The bottom line of celebrating women's day is due to the wide spread differences in various fields- the pay difference of 14.9% between men and women, only 21.4% of seats for women in parliament around the world, lack of awareness for women education and many more.

for achieving these objectives there are some things that are needed to be done

1)women empowerment

Empowering women is very necessary to bring gender equality or we can say that gender equality is very necessary to empower women.Gender equality is the first step to bring women empowerment . Men should not understand that women are made only to handle household chores or take responsibility of home and family. Instead, both (men and women) are responsible for everything of daily routine. Men too need to understand their responsibility of home and family and all other works women do so that women can get some time to think about themselves and their career. Women should also identify their strengths and abilities, and move towards a world of empowerment. On the event of Women's Day, let us all promise to create a better world to live in.

2. Saluting Her Contribution to the Society!!

On this day, huge sentiments are expressed about the power of women and many proverbs and poems directed towards women. It is really nice to have a special day for women where they are glorified to a point of being honored, awarded, and appreciated. Then why is that after so much awareness and acknowledgement of a woman's contribution to life ,society, family and work; saluting her strength, resilience, sacrifice she still is considered only second to men and treated like a second rate citizen ? This is because for generations, it has been ingrained among women that they are not capable of doing most things. Women empowerment lies in honoring yourself and treating yourself with respect.

"No one can put you down without your permission,"
Eleanor Roosevelt.

3. Women's Day: Building the World a better Place To Live!

"International Women's Day is celebrated every year for recognizing and appreciating women's political, economic and social achievements over the decades. Woman's Day was first observed in 1909 in the United States and it is only in 1977 that the United Nations officially declared International Women's Day celebration on March 8. An event which started as a political affair has evolved over the years and is now celebrated by gifting flowers, greeting cards and gifts to women in most regions. International Women's Day is also an official holiday in several countries like Belarus, Armenia, Albania, Brazil, and Cameroon. On this occasion, we should endeavor building a better world where men and women live harmoniously, free of violence and discrimination."

4. Unite to Fight: The Cause of Women Empowerment!

The first lesson that all of us learn start only at home and the rest follows with the kind of attitude we have got instilled in us. Inclusive support if we say, that includes each one of us including the men. We together can start with the empowerment right at home, you don't need to learn a lesson for it. For instance we can encourage the ladies at our home, our mother, sisters, and wives to pursue their dreams and excel in their career. A wholehearted support, be it however trivial, will boost their self confidence and will have a transforming impact on the women' way of life. They can only come out of the pathetic situations that we humans have created.
Let's fight it together!! Together we will over any big problem!

so let us all this women's day promise ourselves that we would help to empower women, we won't let anything bad happen to her and let she get all the respect she deserves.

"Women, from time immemorial have fought for the right of others, now it's her time to get her rights realized and get equal participation in the society."

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