Kùbào VS the Scientists

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In the Crete Fortress, Ella was swimming around the water in her dark red one-piece swimsuit. The entire room has a large lake with many fountains floating above the lake on the bronze platform mechanisms.

"You can do it, Gáta!" Ella shouted with a smile.

Gáta bravely jumped into the water and began swimming towards Ella, who giggled as she hugged Gáta in her arms.

Suddenly, Ellie teleported herself into the swimming room with tray of sandwiches in her hands. Pink Hallow sat on top of Ellie's left shoulder.

"Hey, Ella! I made lunch for you and Gáta!" Ellie shouted.

"Oh, thanks, Ellie." Ella shouted back.

Ella placed Gáta on her head and swan to the edge of the lake. She sat polish marble tile floor next to Ellie as they ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Pink Hallow fed Gáta with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Gáta meowed happily as she licked him on his right cheek.

"No, Gáta, Pink Hallow is not a treat." Ella said as she held Gáta on her lap.

"So, I've been imaging what would Gáta be when she grows up." Ellie said. "I bet she'll be as beautiful and powerful as her mom."

"Yeah, but her growth will take hundreds of space years for how to happen." Ella said as she scratched Gáta's ears.

"I do feel bad about Gáta's mom." Ellie said as she turned to Gáta and patted her head.

"Yeah, me too. But Scarlet was the one who ended her life." Ella said. "But in her mother's absence, the cutie Gáta has us for a family now."

Ella started tickling Gáta, who was meowing happily. Ellie and Pink Hallow watched the bond between a mystic kunoichi and an alien cat with smiles on their face.


In an unknown room, two mysterious women were watching a strange creature heading to the Earth from the large view screen.

"We're getting some kind of leopard alien creature making her way towards Earth at the speed of light." A human woman with periwinkle-tinted advanced glasses spoke.

"What species that she belongs to?" A human woman with crystal blue-shaded sunglasses asked.

"I don't know, but the energy level on that creature is truly marvelous." A human woman with periwinkle-tinted advanced glasses answered.

"Lock on her coordinates." A human woman with crystal blue-shaded sunglasses ordered. "She'll be perfect for our experimentation."


Back in the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas and April were watching Sarina Universe in the living room area. Lee was eating gummy bears on the couch. Ellie and Ella are eating pizza with Gáta lying between them on the floor. April sat quietly next to Lee on the couch. Donna walked in front of April and sat next to her as she handed her a pack of gummy bears in front of her.

"So, how are you feeling, April? We've been worried about you a lot." Donna said.

"I know, but I feel much better now." April answered.

"We'll just glad to see you all well and strong again." Lee said.

"So, do you still have most of your psychic powers, April?" Ella asked as she fed her slice of pizza to Gáta.

"Donnie told me that my powers have been greatly reduced, but he believes I'm still far more powerful before I have that crystal." April explained.

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