Valentines day

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One of the most favourite days was just around the corner. Despite the fact that the world was suffering an apocalypse, Pilot decided to be grateful and find a present for his Captein.

The other two,Snippy and Engie didn't even know what day it is today. They only cared about getting out of this hellhole and living normally,just like they used to. If they payed closer attention, they'd probably care a little bit more. However,that doesn't matter at the moment.

The former pilot has been gone for quite a while and that kind of got Seven worried. Where could that manchild be,he wondered as he jiggled the mug in his hand,making the straw move in circles. Captein sat in his uncomfortable leather chair,watching Snippy and Engie argue in another room.

"You just can't do it like that!",one of them yelled. "Well at least it fucking works now!",the other replied. As a sigh escaped his lips, Captein decided to stop them before they get in a fight. "Engieeee~",he practically yelled,waiting for the called man to join him in the room.

The engineer frowned and walked in. Quickly,Captein hid his straw and sighed. "My straw! It's missing, Engie... I can't drink without it! It's not the same...",he pouted,faking a sad expression. Good thing his mask was off so the other could see how /sad/ he was about the whole straw-problem. "I'll find a new one..",Gromov huffed and exited the room.

When he was sure there was no one in the building,except for him and Snippy,Seven stood up and went to check on the other. "What are you doing,my loyal minion?",he asked cheerfully, watching him with a hint of curiousity. "Trying to fix this.. it's not working. Neither mine or Gromov's idea seems like a good one..",he seemed kind of down.

Meanwhile, Pilot's been doing his best to give his captain awesome presents,just like he is. He drew Seven's face on a giant wall,found some kind of high heels and other girly stuff Seven liked to collect for some reason and put it on the ground as he went searching for other things.

"You don't seem happy, Snippy sniper..",Seven mumbled rather calmly. There was even a hint of concern in his voice, which kind of confused the sniperist. "I'm never happy.",he said and continued working. "Oh. How come..?",those words kind of hurt,especially since Captein tried to make their lives more interesting, since there was nothing to do anyway.

"I just don't think all this is going to work.",Snippy said and stood up,stretching his back lazily as he glanced over at Captein. "I see. Well you should stop working on it and come join your captain.",Seven smiled and took Snippy's hand,just like the moment they met,pulling him up and dragging him to his room.

Captain's bed was one of the biggest in the building. That's why he pushed the sniperist on it and lay next to him. "You have a permission to sleep a little.",he smiled and patted Snippy on the head at which the other flinched and rolled eyes. Instead of protesting,he closed eyes and before he knew it,he was asleep. Not so long after that,he moved closer to Seven,wrapping an arm and leg around his body, wanting more warmth,probably.

This made Captein smile and wrap both arms around his Sniper,pulling him closer and letting his face bury in his chest as his own face nuzzled the top of Snippy's head. He watched him while he slept,not wanting to waste a second and miss something. A few hours later,Charles woke up and looked around. When he saw how close Captein was,he blushed furiously. The colour even increased when their eyes met.

"Morning, sleepy Snippy~ How did you sleep?",he chuckled and rubbed their noses together lightly,making the other's blush intensify even more than before. "I slept.. ok.. I guess..",his voice cracked at one point from embarrassment. Why would he hold me this close,Snippy thought before realising how he was holding his captain. Immediately, he moved away a little, but Captein didn't let go just yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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