The Exile

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Grand Magistrix was against the idea , no because of the Allerias faction , but beacuse of her magic . Normally the High Elves would use arcane magic , Alleria lost her arcane connection with the Sunwell . Since then ,Alleria studied the Void . But the Void bring a danger to the purified waters of Sunwell .

Thalyssra was impressed by the might of the well.
- It's like the Nightwell , but in a different nature .- she said .
- Once ,the Sunwell was corrupted , but a Na'aru sacrificed himself , purified his water . - ended Lady Liadrin.
- Sunwell has changed - continued Alleria - but it beauty remains.

When , suddenly an abnormally happened. Something was opening a rift in the Sunwell . Was the Void . Influenced by Alleria unknowninlly.
- The vessel has been found .- whispered the void child.

In panic , Rommath yelled :- It wants the Sunwell

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In panic , Rommath yelled :- It wants the Sunwell. If he breaks through , we may lose the Sunwell.
Alleria said :
- I can close the rift , but I need help.
Thalyssra knew that her aid would be in need . And she ordered her 2 assistants to aid the Lorthemar , and with Alleria and Rommath they closed the rift.

- Sunwell is save . Your aid was in need Thalyssra - Lorthemar said.
Without thinking twice , Rommath ordered:
- Guard , seek this lady . Now.
Alleria was shook . How could they thought that she would be capable to destroy her own homeland , Quel'Thalas.
- I will not be impression in my own homeland.

Lorthemar knew that as the ruler of the Blood Elves , he needed to say something

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Lorthemar knew that as the ruler of the Blood Elves , he needed to say something.
- Enough . Alleria you must leave , now. Silvermoon is not longer your home .- was the response of him.
Ashamed by all these that once she called "brothers" , Alleria said her final word:
- As you command, Region Lord.

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