A Letter to the World

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Dear World,

I don't feel like I'm a part of you. More like apart from you, in all honesty.

Confused? You should be. Allow me to explain.

The world—that's you—has these ridiculous expectations for people. For example. If you're a girl, you're expected to be pretty, quiet, and into boys.

If you don't follow stereotypes like that, you're an outcast. That's what I am. Or, at least, that's what I've been treated like my entire life.

Outcasts are shunned and told no one will love them if they stay the way they are. Why is that? Don't outcasts deserve love as much as the people who fit in?

In so many movies, they teach us that you're expected to change all you are for love. In The Little Mermaid, Ariel changes everything about herself just to be with a prince. Why should she have to change just to be worthy of love? Why can't her being herself be enough for love?

If you don't change for love, does that mean you're unworthy of it?

First off, to figure out if you're worthy of love, you have to understand what love is. I've never experienced love firsthand, but my definition is unconditional, pure affection that is acceptant of flaws. This may not be true, but this is what I would like love to be. If my definition of love is true to someone else other than me, then that means that you don't have to change for love. Love makes you want to change, but doesn't force you to. You change because your love inspires you to. It teaches you a new way to live. Love can also teach you to love.

Similarly, hate can teach you ways to live as well. I learned so many things growing up because of hate. I learned to hide my tears by faking a yawn and wiping them away discreetly, to not speak my mind, to cry silently instead of loudly to not bother anyone else, to numb myself to any insults or mistreatment, and to not expect anything from anyone, especially love or kindness. But most of all, I learned I was not worthy of anyone's love or kindness. Other people's hate taught me how to hate myself.

I'm not saying this to gain anyone's sympathy or pity; these are the facts. However, this isn't the end of my story.

I'm currently learning how to open up, to accept help, to be kind, to not be afraid, and to be happy. Most of all, I'm learning how to be worthy of love, to love, and to be loved.

I'm only fourteen and still have much to learn, but I hope these words won't go wasted and actually help someone who is struggling like I was. You are worthy of love and you matter. Everyone is worthy of love just for being themselves. No one is worthy of hate.

Love, Kartara. (Because I'm worthy of love.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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