Chapter 31

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I walked up to the red door and knocked twice. The house was small, content for her I guess.

The house was so small and adorable it made me want to laugh. I didn't though.

Just imagine if I was laughing and she opened the door. That would be really disrespectful and rude. Plus she'd probably think I'm crazy. I was starting to think so.

Jeez, my life defined was crazy. Hectic, chaotic, whatever you want to call it.

I currently was standing on the small porch. Damon, Caroline, and Stefan were all behind me waiting ever so patiently as I tapped my feet impatiently.

She was home. Her car was here.

I knocked again and then heard the light pattering of feet run to the door.

The door opened to reveal a terrible looking Julie.

Her hair was a rat's nest. Dark brown hair springing up in every direction. Her skin dull and pale, almost lifeless, deathlike.

Worst of all, her eyes, bloodshot.

Dark bags under her eyes, very visible. She normally would have concealed them but hadn't covered them with foundation.

One night while she was at my house she told me some thing that were so important. Words that held so much emotion and meaning.

"He's a good man. A wonderful man. Before him I had no idea what love was like. It opened my eyes, he opened my eyes. Everything's so clear now, so simple. I'm content, happy. I feel like I can do anything or be anything. Love does that. One day your going to experience it. It's amazing Clara. He gives my life a purpose. I live for him and he lives for me. Don't ever forget that. Your going to meet your Prince Charming some day. I promise sweetie."

It's so depressing. They were in love and now he's gone.

It's not fair at all. My father lost my mother to cancer. He falls in love with Julie and then he gets murdered and now Julie is all alone.

Just like me.

All alone.

I'm not so sure that I'll meet my Prince Charming.

I smiled trying to reassure her.

"Come in all of you," she said dully.

She closed the door quietly and gestured for us to take a seat on the large leather couch.

"How are you doing?" I asked her with concern hinted in my voice. She dragged herself to the black recliner on the other side of the room and plopped down in the seat.

She leaned down and put her head in her hands. She was silent for several moments and then she started sniffling.

That meant that she was crying. Silently I add. I wanted to comfort her so bad. But I couldn't at the the moment. There were far more important things to address.

She then lifted her head from her hands and looked at me blankly. Her eyes looked so dull lifeless. She was trying I contain her emotions. I don't blame her though. I would too if I was her.

Her eyes were so glassy like a doll. She looked so broken. I felt bad in a way. I'm sitting right in front of her ad I'm not shaping the slightest motion that I've been affected by my father's death.

I'm just sitting here calmly, face blank, flat. Julie on the other hand is seconds away from breaking down. What does she think of me?

I was his daughter for gods sakes I should be crying and sobbing but I'm not.

Was it that the coma deprived all my memories? All of them were gone.

See the thing is I know that he is my father and the short time we spent together was amazing. I loved him even if I couldn't remember him from before.

I'm not heartless I have a heart. I'm only human.

I want to break down. Break something, anything to release sown of my pent up anger.


I felt so angry lately. My life was now officially fucked up.

I lost my memory, found out that I was indeed a doppelgänger, and them my father gets killed. I'm juggling all these problem right now. I don't know how I'm doing it but I just am.


Her name ran through my head. God if she was alive!

I wanted, no I needed answers. I had to get them, one way or another.

I was so left out it was confusing. I was in the dark but in the light at the same time.

Confusing, thought so.

People are telling me things but not telling me all about it.

I hated it when they did that. Especially Rebekah.

Rebekah wasn't telling me anything. And there's no way that I'm going to ask Klaus for answers. Let's not forget that he tried to kill me. Twice.

So I was stuck. Look like Herron the answers to my questions would have to wait.

I fumbled with my shirt. I have to admit though it was the only thing that gathered my attention at the moment.

Damon, Stefan, and Caroline hadn't said a thing in the last ten minutes. They were as silent as they could possibly be. The air was awkward though.

Tension could be smelt in the air. It was coming from the two Salvatore's themselves.

They said nothing but resorted to sending glares of hatred at each other for those past ten minutes.

Wonder what that was about?

That was typical for them though. Stefan always had a stuck up his ass and Damon just didn't get his beauty sleep.

That was their problem.

A while later we left. I said 'Goodbye' to Julie and waved as we made way to Damon's car.

"It wasn't her Damon. Did you see her? If she had done it she wouldn't be looking like that Damon. She'd be looking exactly the opposite" I said as he pretended to listen.

Stupid bastard he was.

"Uh huh" he replied focusing his eyes on the road.

"Nevermind" I grumbled as I put my head against the window.

I hate my life!

I really do.

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