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Mamihlapinatapai- (n.) A look shared by two people each wishing the other would initiate something they both desire but which neither want to begin.

Stupid me. Stop staring, he'll notice. Oh but his hair just looks so soft and touchable. Did he just look at me? Oh God, he did. Oh those dimples, those freaking dimples and perfect teeth. He's looking. What do I do? Look away, just look away.

My cheeks reddened as I felt him continue to look at me, and when I looked up he was still staring. But this time he gave a small wave. I smirked embarrassingly and waved back.

He opened his mouth as if to say something but was interrupted by the blonde girl sitting across from him asking a question I couldn't hear.

I turned back to my laptop and continued to type the essay I had came to the park to work on.

I was only a couple sentences in when someone cleared their throat rather loudly and I looked up to see him staring at me again with a beautifully stupid grin on his face. He wiggled his fingers on the tabletop in way that mimicked typing while furrowing his brow to show he was asking a question.

I held up the book on which my essay was based on and he gave a thumbs up in response.

I turned back to my work and noticed in my peripheral vision that he had gotten up and was walking towards me. I tried to ignore him but he very dramatically bumped into my chair.

"Sorry." He mumbled sarcastically and kept walking in the opposite direction.

I smiled and shook my head in disbelief and once again turned back to my work. But, once again, I was interrupted.

"Delilah Kennedy."

I turned quickly at the sound of my name and was met with the same light colored eyes I had seen before, but now with him so close, I could tell they were a light greenish blue. He flashed a dimply smile and sat in the empty chair at my table.

"Just read the top of that paper you're writing." he explained how he knew my name. "I'm Harry, by the way."

"I know who you are." I said and immediately regretted it because of how stalkerish it sounded.

"She speaks!" he exclaimed and I turned my head down to hide my blush. "And she's American." He added with a confused look.

"Well that is where I was born." I said closing my laptop. "I received a scholarship to study overseas." I explained.

"Oh, a college girl. How nice." he smiled. "Oh I'm sorry, would you like some coffee?" he said motioning to the cup he brought with him.

"No, I uh- I don't drink coffee." I declined his offer.

"More for me then. Hang on, I've gotta Instagram this." He pulled his phone out and took a picture of the cup.

"Okay, then..." I said quietly. "Anyway, so what about you, Harry, what are you doing in the middle of London? Wouldn't you get like mobbed or something?"

"Do I look like I'm getting mobbed to you?" he held his arms open to make his point and I rolled my eyes. "But really, I see where you're coming from, it's just that, well London's rather big."

I waited for him to continue but he said nothing else. "Truuue." I said thoughtfully. "But that still doesn't explain why you're not getting attacked right now."

"Well, I mean like there's quite a lot of people." Harry moved his large hands as he explained. "So, no one really tends to notice other people, they're just humans when they walk by not celebrities, for example."

"I see." I nodded my head in understanding.

The blonde girl that was sitting across from Harry walked up behind him and grabbed his shoulder. "Harry, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, Gem, I'll be right there." He said and she walked away. He must've noticed the look of confusion on my face that demanded explanation. "Don't worry, she's just my sister. Do you mind if I see your phone?"

"Sure, I guess." I reached into my pocket and handed him my phone, on which he promptly began typing away.

"Here." Harry handed my phone back and began to stand. "Well I guess I'll see you around, Delilah." He said with a wide smile.

"Sounds good, Harry." I agreed and he left.

I had just opened the door to my flat when my cell phone rang with Harry's name flashing across the screen.

"Hello, Harry." I answered.

"Delilah! My dear, do you think you could find your way down to the same park where we met today at say 8:00 tomorrow night?"

"Sure, Harry, I'll see you then." An involuntary smile spread across my face even though it was obvious he couldn't see me.

"See you then. Goodbye, Delilah."

"Bye, Harry."

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