Chapter 7. Scrolls and prophecies

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{Location: The library of Damu}(Jay's POV)

SLAM! Zane drops a pile of books as I rub my temples. All this reading is giving me a headache. And only using one eye to read isn't helping. "I wasn't falling asleep. Why'd you do that?"

"Because this pial you organized is ordered via thinness to thickness. We are supposed to alphabetize it." Zane pulls his lips into a tight frown as Pixel steps onto a ladder and puts books away.

"Sorry." I roll my remaining eye as Zane walk off to organize more books. "I thought we were supposed to be looking for information about Fays, not playing custodian," I complain to Nya, who has her stack in a neat pile and is reading a book.

Nya smiles as she keeps reading. "Zane's a droid. Organization and digits come naturally first to him."

"Doesn't mean he get's to be a wet blanket," I whisper as I go to reorganize my stack. "Find anything yet?"

"Just a bunch of useless infographics." Nya sighs and places the book away. "Maybe we should have joined my brother and went to Cloud Kingdom."

"I'd rather not encounter Nimbus again." I stand up and grab a scroll. "I found another one written in chicken scratch."

Zane smacks his forehead, "IT IS NOT CHICKEN SCRATCH!" Zane shouts as I wave it in the air.

"Oh, so that's where I put it." Misako walks in with Sensei. "Sorry for the inconvenience Jay. Let me take that." She plucks it from my hands as some of it crumbles to dust.

"I didn't do it." I hold my hands up in mock surrender as everyone looks at me accusingly, "See." I try to make small bolts of lightning, again, nothing come from my hands.

Pixel scans the parchment as Misako opens it more carefully this time. "According to my scan, this scroll dates back far past anything else in the library..or Ninjago for that matter."

Zane tilts his head with a thinking face on. "Is it from another realm then?"

Misako holds it like it's a baby, "I'm not sure. It is written in a pretty old language." She lays it flat as I pick up some books and put them aside. This is far more interesting than reading dusty old books.

Nya folds her arms. "Can you translate?"

"With time." Misako grabs a pen and a new sheet of paper and gets comfortable.

Sensei offers us tea, "While she's doing that, have we found anything?" Sensei strokes his beard as Zane and Pixel launch into data dumps that only ninjadroes could hold. "But nothing alluding to Zara." Sensei frowns.

I try not to let my voice crack as I rub my new eyepatch. "How's the other me doing?"

"It is strange, all four of them know the process so that rules out them being imposters. And at the same time, they all seemed bent on evil things. So they also do not seem like you." Sensei sighs.

Pixel picks up her tea then swirls the dark brown liquid inside, "So what are they?" Pixel frowns as something clicks in the back of my mind. It was the only thing that the two droids didn't mention.

"Give me a sec," I flip through a light green and gold covered book with chicken scratch written on the cover. "Here." I point to a picture of a necklace like Zara's. "According to this, there were these special judges in Trylle that could..whoa."

Zane rests his elbows on the table, "Could what, Jay?" Zane asks as I barely believe my eyes.

"They could separate a person's inner darkness from their light."

"Are you reading that right?" Nya gently takes the book and reads for herself. "The separators were hand selected from the moment they graduated law school. They were held in high prestige and were deeply honored. The separators took their job seriously and vowed to forever honor the law of separating good from bad. No matter the personal cost."

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