A Lily Flower

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"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!"

I rolled over and opened my eyes to find Mina jumping on my bed. Today was the day that she got to pick out a puppy from the Nevada SPCA and I guess she was really excited.

"Mommy! It's time to get up and go get a puppy!" She said to me as she leaned toward my face.

"Yes, Mina, but first we have to eat breakfast, okay?"

"Okay, but then we go!"

"Alright, let's go get you dressed" I said to her as I flung back the covers. I followed her as she skipped down the hall towards her room.

"Can we match today, Mommy?"

"Of course we can sweetie" I smiled at her. She settled on her black jeans and I paired it with a denim top and a rep plaid headband. I helped her change and let her put on her socks and boots. I did her hair and put her headband on as she sat patiently.

"Now it's your turn Mommy!"

"How about I turn on Frozen and get you started with breakfast while I change?" I said to her knowing that she'd take longer to eat than I would.

"Can I have fruity pebbles?" She asked with a big grin.

"Yes Mina" I said as I walked toward the living room. I turned on Frozen for her and prepared her cereal. She sat on the couch and I pulled the TV tray in front of her, setting her cereal down. I headed toward my room and began to get ready.

I slipped on my black jeans, denim top and matched Mina's headband with a plaid scarf. I quickly curled my blonde hair and put on some light makeup. I slipped on my brown boots, matching Mina perfectly. I walked to the kitchen and spotted Mina still eating, no surprises there. I made myself some tea and cereal and joined Mina on the couch.

Our mornings usually went like this, easygoing and relaxed. Sometimes I'd make waffles but Mina usually preferred cereal and orange juice which I was grateful for. I was never a morning person and that certainly didn't change when I had Mina.

I finished my breakfast just as Mina did; I was getting good at timing it right. I grabbed our dishes and loaded the dishwasher.

"Mina, are you ready to go get a puppy?" I said to her as she continued watching Frozen.

"Yeah! Let's go!" She said as she ran to the door and attempted to open it. I grabbed my purse and keys and opened the door allowing Mina to run down the hall. I quickly locked the door and hurried towards her.

"Mina! Slow down! I've told you before and I won't tell you again" I said and watched her stop immediately to wait for me. I was so happy that I had a well behaved child, I don't know what I would do otherwise.

We walked to the car together and I helped Mina into her car seat. She buckled herself and I checked that everything was in place and secured. I always made sure that her buckle was level to her armpits; I didn't want to be responsible for something happening to her. I got into the drivers seat, buckled up, and began our journey.

We arrived at the Nevada SPCA 30 minutes later and I let Mina out of the car before she exploded from excitement. She grabbed my hand and started pulling me into the building before I could say anything. I couldn't lie, I was excited too. Maybe not as excited as she was, but still excited.

I pulled the door open for her watching her skip to the front desk. She stopped in front of a tall, dark haired man wearing all black and began talking to him.

"Hi mister, I'm here to get a puppy" she said to him as he knelt down to her level.

"Hi there. What's your name?" He asked her as I approached.

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