Chapter 2

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Sorry this chapter is short, I'm not quite finished with is yet but, I hope you all like it and please comment what you think of the story so far.

A few days later
I woke in a cold sweat; my whole body felt like it had been dunked in a frozen pond. I looked around the room realizing that I was still in that dark prison and it wasn't just a cruel messed up dream like I had hopped. I took a shaky breath and decided to get up and explore my new surroundings even if it was just a small room. I got up slowly so not to agitate my side, but it surprisingly didn't hurt as much as I thought it would which was a huge relief. I took some hesitant steps towards the door after looking around the room debating whether it was a good idea, I was naturally a curious person so my curiosity won and I slowly reached for the handle. The door swung open before I even had a chance to get a grip on the thing and it startled me so much I ended up falling backwards onto the ground looking up at a girl standing above me

"Well I see you're up and about." The second girl from the other day commented trying not to laugh leaning against the door frame.

"It's not funny." I shot back rather annoyed.

"Oh but on my end it is believe me." She extended a hand and helped me up. "Come on its times for you get associated with this place and what you need to do to survive here."

"You mean that I'm not your prisoner anymore? And I don't catch your name from before."

"Kate and I never said that now did I. I'm saying you're more useful if you can fight or something instead of lying on a bed all day long."

"You're not the nicest person to talk to you know that right."

"Just for that I won't go easy on you today. Not that Anna would have gone easy on you anyways." She smirked as she turned starting to walk down the hall.

"Go easy on me? What the hell are you talking about?" I asking running after her to catch up.

"Well I'm going to be the one to train you when Anna isn't around. Now enough with the questions pay attention to where were going and what your surroundings look like you're going to have to become familiar with this place."

I looked at the walls first just to find they were like the ones in my room, worn brick with the same markings. There were torches lining either side and they were all evenly spaced about ten steps or so. Wooden doors lined the walls most had similar steel reinforcing as the room they had kept me in. I wasn't really sure why I had to get familiar with this place but, all the turns that we made were starting to drive me crazy, this place seemed like a maze with in its self, so I was barely able to make a mental note of it all.

I noticed there weren't many people around and the ones that I did see where all girls, they kept staring at me as we walked passed. Other than the staring, one thing that was really starting to bug me was that there was not one guy. It was like people like me didn't exist in this place or if we did we are an endangered species that is close to dying out. Now that's a pleasant thought...

Kate didn't say much as we walked down the halls, not that I really expected her to. She wasn't the nicest person I've ever meet, but she wasn't the worst, so I guess I could try to be nice to her until she gives me a good reason not to anyways. She was on the shorter side, definitely shorter than Anna. Her hair was short and dark, but since there wasn't much lighting I couldn't tell if it was brown or black.

"Hey Kate where is it that we're going?"

"The dining hall it's about lunch time and you need your strength if we're going to be training today." She replied not looking back at me.

"So what kind of training are we doing?" I was getting sick of veage responces.

She let out an annoyed breath before answering me, "First I need to see what you can do. I'm not expecting much since your still recovering, but who knows you have some potential."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Why the hell would someone like her think that I couldn't fight? I knew for a fact I was better built then most of the guys at my school and could out run most of the track team, not that I made a habit of doing so. Some of them get really ticked off when someone not on the team does better then them. So I didn't understand where did she get off saying that I might have potential.

"Did I hit a nerve or you always go quite like that?" She asked looking back at me, her green eyes catching the glow from the torches giving the illusion of fire within them.

"No I was just thinking on how much fun it will be when I kick your butt." I declared giving her my best smile.

She rolled her eyes and laughed turning around to look at me. "Well see now wont we Hunter."

Crossing my arms I glared at her. "I don't believe I ever told you my name."

"Anna did now come on I'm starving and I personally don't want to fight you on an empty stomach." With that she turned her back to me and started walking down the hallway again.


"Geez I'd say you were hopeless if I didn't see you run." Kate remarked leaning against one of the brick walls.

"Thanks. I can't believe you were going easy on me." I couldn't help the sarcasm that lined my words. Here I was drenched in sweat, sore from being hit over and over with her fists or a widen sword and boy that girl can kick hard.

She shrugs walking over holding out her hand. "Not my fault you can't handle it."

I took her hand and stood. She looked like a sweet girl, but she was more of an army Sargent when I did something wrong. She was talking to herself about where I could be the most useful, but I was ignoring her as I went to get something to drink. The thing was I was still hoping that this was some messed up dream. That none of this was real, but the minutes kept ticking so any hope of that was leaving.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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